This picture was taken during my flight from San Francisco to New York.

I was starving because they didn't offer any food on the 6 hour flight, except for measly little sandwiches that cost 5.50$ each and they only took credit cards. (I left my American Express card with Eric in San Francisco) What happened to food being included in the ticket price?? they wouldn't take cash.

The flight was fine until we reached JFK. Then we hit insane turbulance. There was no room on the runway to land, so we had to fly around in circles for an hour in stormy weather.

If that wasn't terrifying enough, the pilot announced the following statement over the intercom..

"We don't have room to land and we are entering a storm front. We're running out of fuel, so we'll be forced to land in Newark, New Jersey instead to fuel up. Flight attendents please exit the aisles and buckle up. Everyone keep buckled until we reach New Jersey. Do not leave your seats"

The plane bucked and bumped along. At times the engine appeared to be shut off, perhaps to conserve fuel. We just coasted along. We went up and down like a boat on ocean waves with rapid dips. I felt like I was going to vomit and my stomach was pushed up to my throat, then the engine would start up again. People's drinks spilled on them and everyone was gripping their seats.

Once we landed in New Jersey, people started protesting about not being able to exit the aircraft, they were fumbling for their carry-ons and shaking their heads. We finally reached a docking station.

The pilot said "We are in Newark, We will re-fuel here and try again to land in JFK. If anyone would like to leave the aircraft now is the time to do so. However your luggage will remain on the plane until we reach JFK. it's your decision. The gates are open for departure now"

I grabbed my carry-on from underneath my seat (Just a backpack was all I brought with me from San Francisco) and I RAN off the plane in New Jersey. Along with half of the other passengers pushing their way rapidly out of the craft.

We weren't in New York yet. I didn't care. I wasn't about to wait around.

I needed to get off this deathtrap immediately. I was trembling. I felt bad for all the passengers that had missed their connecting flight and were now stranded.

My father picked me up in New Jersey and drove me home to New York.

That was by far my most disturbing airplane experience to date.

Next week I have to take this airline again to fly back to San francisco with our two cats. AFTER THAT, I WILL NEVER FLY WITH THIS AIRLINE COMPANY AGAIN!


Now it's midnight, I'm in New York safe and sound. Time to get some sleep.

Day 11 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 8:52 PM | 4 comments

We all watched the sunset and took in the view of San francisco on the rooftop.

It was beautiful. Warm oranges, golds and pinks. A soft breeze and clouds rolling overhead.

a perfect end to the day.

Unfortunately I accidentally closed the rooftop door behind me and it automatically locks shut. we were all TRAPPED on the roof...

We didn't realize this until the sun had set and it was time to go back into our apartment...

First we laughed.... then We panicked!

Eric found another small door to the far left that took him all the way down to the basement. He weaved around the lowest level boiler room in the darkness and found another staircase leading back up again to the roof so he could let us back into the building.

My Hero...

Tomorrow morning I'm going to fly back to New York for one week to visit my family and pick up our two cats (Michael and Fiona)

Day 10 of 365 days

Roof top

(that's Celine and John on the rooftop)

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 3:03 PM | 1 comments

Day 9 - riding on a cable car, originally uploaded by clarity25.

After a week of living in San Francisco, I decided it was time to ride on a cable car.

My friend, Celine and I walked down Powell street to Union Square and bought a five dollar ticket to ride all the way up the hills to Fisherman's wharf.

It was exciting to step on this rickity contraption for the first time. It rocked back and forth with the weight of passengers climbing on. There was a man in the center and he controlled two large levers connected to the bottom of the cable car. It seemed to be what moved it forward and also the brakes.

I was tempted to hang off the side of the cable car like the Tanner family in the opening credits of "Full house", but I opted against it because of all my shopping bags.

I was surprised at how unstable this mode of transportation seemed. We banged and clunked along the road. Going up the hills was a little scary because he would pull on the brakes while te cable car slid backwards slightly at the same time. I imagined the brakes giving out and all of us flying down the steep hill at full speed into the oncoming traffic.

It felt like an old fashioned rollercoaster ride from the 1800's.

And it's the fastest way to get up some of the steepest hills leading towards our home.

We jumped off at Fisherman's wharf, and walked through the all the tourist traps. Ghiradelli square, bought fresh crab sandwiches at the fisherman stands, and gazed at the seals at Pier 39.

It's what EVERYONE does when they visit San Francisco, but somehow the idea of living here without at least once seeing all the tourist sights feels wrong.

I still haven't seen The Mission District, Castro, Golden Gate Park or Haight-Ashbury. .

Or even tried out the BART system yet.

Cable cars meeting

Baby steps...

Seals at Pier 39

The lonesome seal

Hundreds of seals

Day 9 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 12:49 PM | 2 comments

Last night I went to Alamo Square at night for the "Drawing Party" (see previous pics). It was beautiful, but too dark to see more than the glittering street lights of the city landscape and the silhouettes of the victorian homes.

So today we walked to Alamo Square during the day time. We took California street to Filmore and then went straight down filmore. We turned down a side road and there we were. It's a lot further from Russian Hill than I thought...(With our friend driving last night it was fast, but walking is another story entirely.)

This is a terrible picture, You can only see the corner of me in the frame but there's a story behind this photograph. I have to smile everytime I view it now.

Eric crouched down and supported his weight on one knee to take this shot. He likes adjusting all the settings to get the right shot with good framing so it always takes him forever and a day. I just stood there tapping my foot thinking "any day now..."

there was a group of twenty somethings in the distance playing frisbee with their golden retriever.

The frisbee came flying towards Eric's head.

I was certain it would hit him, but I was frozen in surprise and I couldn't seem to open my mouth fast enough to scream "WATCH OUT!"

At that moment, the golden retriever lept in the air over Eric's head and caught the frisbee in his mouth. His entire body crashed into Eric's back, causing him to take an off center photo and collapse over forward. The dog was as startled as Eric.

He looked so shocked to have a dog seemingly fall out of the sky and crash down on him, I had to start laughing. The owners ran up and started apologizing. But they had to laugh too.

A surreal and strange moment.

I shouldn't have laughed so hard though. Karma is a bitch.

10 minutes later I was sitting on the park bench in front of "the painted ladies" taking a photograph and a frisbee hit me smack in the back of the head and bounced off into the distance. Ouch!

A word to the wise: If you're going to visit Alamo Square... Beware of the frisbees. They are everywhere.


Day 8 of 365 days

"The Painted Ladies" - Alamo Square
posted by Clarity: 365 days at 12:48 PM | 1 comments

An amazing night of drawing live models in intricate costumes in an old fashioned victorian home on Alamo square

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 12:47 PM | 0 comments

We just sold "Marty"

We put up an ad on Craigs list and within one hour we had 52 responses. (See previous pic for ad description)

Some people were offering up to 1000 dollars, but changed their tune when they actually saw our car. It was just a scam ploy to be pushed up to the top of the list.

In the end we sold our car to the guy with that wrote the nicest E-mail request and would appreciate it the most. He said he understood the car troubles we described and was willing to fix it up. He had cash on hand and would drive it away "as is". He was a really sweet guy.Friendly and down to earth..., around our age.

He looked at "Marty" and said "This car has a lot of life left in him. 200,000 miles is not much for a Toyota. the body damage is minimal. Just a few knicks. The brake troubles aren't a big deal for me. I know a mechanic that can have him in top shape in no time. This is a great car!"

I liked his enthusiasm.

I'm glad "Marty" will continue on to have a full rewarding car life and not immediately end up in scrap yard.

We took the key off our key chain slowly and handed it over with the title.

I watched "Marty "disappear over the hilly San Francisco streets and I stood there for a moment afterwards feeling this tinge of sadness.

But that little car took us safetly all the way across the country and those memories will last a lifetime.

It's better without a car in San Francisco anyway. Parking is expensive. We would have had to pay 200 dollars a month for a garage parking spot, all the traffic and the parking tolls...

This was for the best. The new owner was really happy.

And from now on I am NOT going to name my cars. It just makes it harder to say goodbye.

Day 6 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 12:46 PM | 1 comments

Day 5 - No pain, No gain..., originally uploaded by clarity25.

I woke up this morning at 8 A.M. and sharp pain shot up my legs when I stood up. I fell back down into the sheets wincing and rubbing my calves. I'm all cramped up.

All this walking around San Francisco is building new muscles in my thighs and calves. I walked around all the time while living Germany, but for a year now I was getting around by car and sitting behind a desk at work.

Our friend told us that his first week in San Francisco was exactly the same and it took him two weeks to adjust, then he was fine.

Yesterday we did a lot of walking, going to the bank, doing laundry in the local laudromat, shopping, discovering more of the area we now call home...

I saw a six foot tall cross dresser at the laudromat. He/she was doing laundry in high-heels with a bright red wig and a lot of face make up.

Suddenly our eyes met.. I froze. I was embarrassed for being caught in the act of staring.

He gave me a warm award-winning smile and winked. I had to smile back.

That's what I love about San Francisco. The diversity. So many different people encountered on a daily basis. Artists, bohemians, crossdressers, gay men kissing openly on the street, families with kids, gothics, punks...just every spectrum of the rainbow.

I also love the openly liberal sentiment, expressed by the cashiers, the store owners and pedestrians.

I really love this city.

As for the car problems. We can't afford to fix "Marty", but for now we're keeping him in the garage and using him for essential driving. He can still get around, we just have to use the hand brake.

We put in a for sale ad this afternoon, we'll see who calls. How much do you think we should sell him for? 1996 Corolla with 200,000 miles, dents and brake problems? $300?

I'm not as upset about this situation today. We're in the center of downtown S.F. and there's a lot of public transportation, BART, Cablecars and buses... You're right, we'll get by. :)

Day 5 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 1:36 PM | 2 comments

Day 4 - CRAP! Now what?, originally uploaded by clarity25.

Bad news.

800 dollars.

That's how much the car mechanic wants to charge us to fix "Marty" our little toyota Corolla.


He said the caliper has a hole where it's letting the brake fluid out, so it needs to be replaced and the router too. He said it's "shot"

"We can't afford that...", we told the mechanic.

He just shook his head and rubbed his hands on a dirty oil rag. "I don't know what to tell you. You need to have it fixed. You can keep using your handbrake, but that's going to give out in less than a month too.", He said "If you don't do this now, you can just write off this whole car. But with over 200,000 miles on it... you might wanna think about buying a whole new car entirely anyways"

I sighed in defeat.

"you can always sell it for parts", The mechanic suggested. "I'm really sorry"


We make it all the way to San Francisco and our car dies. That's just our luck.

Now what?

We don't have 800 dollars to spend on fixing our car, so we had to leave the shop. The mechanic charged us 60$ for that information and the labor it took to get the "diagnosis" and we went on our way. Our car coughed and wheezed as we rolled out the garage.

Great start to our new life in San Francisco......

Sure,we'll find a solution and way to overcome this new negative development. It's a bump in the road...

But we really loved this car, it's going to be sad to say goodbye and watch some car scrap company take it away.

that's life

Day 4 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 8:21 PM | 5 comments

Day 3 - A long way up..., originally uploaded by clarity25.

This is the entrance to our building, We have five flights of stairs to get up to our friend's penthouse apartment. It's an old building, dating back to the early 1900's.

By the time I reach the top level, I'm exhausted and panting for breath.

But I'm definitely getting into shape.

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 8:20 PM | 1 comments

I woke up early this morning and peered around at our new bedroom. It's an observatory room with large windows on all sides, the view overlooks the golden gate bridge and the rest of San Francisco below us. The bedroom is small, just room for a bed and a small computer table + bookshelf but the beautiful view of the city more than makes up for it. The two big chinese style doors open up to the livingroom

We still have a lot of unpacking and organizing to do, but our first task was the most important one.

Buying a coffee maker.

Our friend doesn't drink coffee, but we need it for survival.

We wandered through the streets of San Francisco, checking all the general stores, wal greens and hardware stores for a cheap coffeemaker. Eventually we found a dusty and dirty black MR COFFEE coffee maker in the back of a thrift shop on the corner of California street and Larkin street. It was only $4.95.

We walked up the steep hills back to our home happily cradling our new appliance. The hills are exhausting to climb and the trek back seemed to take forever. We also stopped for groceries at the local food store.

Once we made it up the four flights of stairs to our apartment, we were sweating and exhausted.

We washed off Mr. Coffee and plugged it in. we crossed our fingers and waited hopefully for that familiar brewing gurgle...

It worked.

Goal 1# achieved. We have a coffee! life is good.

I enjoyed a cup of joe while reading our local newspaper "The San Francisco Chronicle". Not quite as informative as "The New York Times" but I'll adjust...

Goal 2# - Get "Marty" back in shape.

We need to take our little Toyota Corolla to the car shop today. He's not sounding so good. His brakes are making a horrible schreeching noise and we're hoping it's just the brake pads. Eric has been using the hand brake which is difficult on the steep up and down streets of S.F.

We're hoping the repair cost doesn't break us. we don't have much money right now. Please let it be an easy and affordable fix.

We've gone so far... Marty can't die on us now. He just can't...

DAY 2 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 8:18 PM | 0 comments

We made it!!!!

We actually made it!!!

We are in San Francisco!!

I'm sitting here in my new home, with the view of the Golden Gate Bridge outside the open livingroom window. I can hear the cable cars clanging outside and the soft breeze on my face. Our luggage is piled up against the wall.

Our new home.....

It still hasn't fully sunk in yet. I have to keep pinching myself.

We drove 3,083 miles all the way across the country from New York to San Francisco. We passed through 13 states in 7 days.

All of this with "Marty" our little 10 year old Toyota Corolla with 200,000 miles on it, no working air conditioner and no tape deck/cd player.

Right now he could really use a car wash, he's covered in dust, dirt and bugs. He's dented and wheezing, but he's still alive.

Some people said we wouldn't make it across the country with our car...They shook their heads at the idea and told us that it was a major risk. But we did it anyway.

I'm so glad we did.

It was the greatest journey we made in our entire life. An experience I will never forget. It's something I had always dreamed of doing but never imagined I'd have the opportunity.


We hit the California border at 3 P.M. yesterday afternoon

The landscape became greener and more lush. The sky was big, blue and open wide for us. We cruised around the mountain landscape, past the endless pine trees...

Even the fact that our brakes were making funny noises (kind of like a little raptor stuck inside our car screaming at moments during the final 190 miles) didn't take away from our blissful state

Windows open, KFOG, the San Francisco radio station blasting... It was heaven while we drove over the Bay Bridge into S.F.

We meandered over the steep city hills and the victorian homes towards our final destination

Our friend greeted us at his front door with a warm tight hug and said "Welcome home"

So now here we are.

I'm starting over with 365 days, back to day 1. I missed so many days anyway. One month when I disconnected my internet and one month when my cat knocked the water on my laptop.

It's the first day of the rest of our lives. A new chapter begins


Day 1 of 365 days

Starting over....

i just put all the pictures from our road trip into ONE FOLDER. you can find them all ....


posted by Clarity: 365 days at 1:07 PM | 1 comments

We are in Elko, Nevada! We're on the road towards Reno. Not much time to write!

You can read more about our road trip Day by day in my travel other diary. Click the link below

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 11:47 AM | 0 comments

Road Trip: Day 4 - Wyoming!, originally uploaded by clarity25.

I'm sitting in a motel room in Evanston, Wyoming.

We drove through Nebraska, skimmed over the border of Colorado and went almost entirely through Wyoming. We're close to the border of Utah

The buffalo heads that greet motel patrons in this place...are a bit on the creepy side, but I'm happy to be here. It's 11:15 P.M. Mountain time. I'm utterly exhausted.

It's been a loooong day on the road. I'm ready to take a hot shower and climb under the sheets.

We had some misadventures today... for example, leaving the keys in the ignition and accidentally locking the door in a desolate town in Wyoming.

That was an experience...

But the town really pulled together to help us out. It's a long story that I'll save for a diary entry.

"Marty" our little corolla is struggling on these upward mountain climbs and choking a bit. We have to keep refilling the oil. He reached 200,000 miles so it might be time to slow it down a bit for the final stretch.

Marty is a real trooper. He's taken us over half-way across the United States... A lot of people thought he wouldn't make it and that we were crazy.

Well, maybe we ARE...

But my god..WYOMING IS BEAUTIFUL. Heartstoppingly beautiful. I can't even describe the drive today in words. It was breathtaking.

I will write a detailed diary entry and post lots of pictures tomorrow morning.

Now it's REALLY time for us to crash.

Motel room - Evanston, Wyoming

I see a dark shape outside our motel room, it's definitely a mountain view. I can't wait to see it tomorrow morning in the daylight

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 10:48 PM | 3 comments

Day 212 - Road trip Day 3, originally uploaded by clarity25.

I discovered something important on this road trip.

If want to enjoy a whirlpool bath in your motel room...

Don't add bubbles.

Unless you want to end up in a Jerry Lewis movie

We're in Cozad, Nebraska.

Not much time to update, we're running late. Eric is throwing the luggage back into the car. we're hitting the road again.

Will write more soon

We are half-way to San Francisco!

day 212 of 365 days

P.S. Yes this IS a self-portrait. I am in the shot... look closely.

Here are some more pictures from our drive today



Iowa Corn field

Iowa Corn field

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 10:47 PM | 2 comments

Day 211 - On the road again, originally uploaded by clarity25.

This picture was taken during the drive through Ohio towards the border of Indiana. Endless miles of cornfields, barns and open road.

It's 7:30 A.M. Central time and I'm sitting in a motel room in Moline, Illinois.

Population 43,768 and home of the "Quad city steam wheelers".

That's all I know about this city. It's a mystery to me. This is my first time in Illinois. We arrived last night at 11:30 P.M.

The Sunlight is streaming through the sheer curtains. Hubby is still sleeping and he looks so peaceful all nestled in the sheets. We have to hit the road again soon .

We traveled through 3 states yesterday and we hit the 1,000 mile mark of our journey at 9:29 P.M. I still can't believe we're on this road trip. Sometimes I have to pinch myself to confirm that it's truly happening!

I wrote all about the details of Day 2 of my road trip and posted more pictures in my travel diary HERE

I have to wake up Eric, take a shower and check out of this hotel. We need to start getting ready for Day 3 of road trip. Something tells me we probably wont actually hit the road again until noon...

I'll update again when I reach our next stopping point

We are almost half-way to San Francisco!!

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 10:46 PM | 2 comments

Road Trip Day one, originally uploaded by clarity25.

It’s 10:30 A.M., we’re still in Newton Falls, Ohio. We’re about to pack the car and hit the road again.
I just wrote a detailed diary entry describing an almost hour by hour recap of the first day of my road trip with a lot of pictures.

Follow this link to view the pics and see the entry.

I will update again when we reach our next motel stop!

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 7:51 AM | 0 comments

Day 210 - First stop, originally uploaded by clarity25.

Right now...We are sitting in a motel the middle of nowhere...

Otherwise known as Newton Falls in Trumbell County, Ohio.

Population 5,000 and area code 44444.

Yes, 44444


It's the smallest little town I've ever seen. Their most famous tourist attraction is an old covered bridge at the edge of town. The main street area reminds me of "Stars Hollow" from The Gilmore Girls. I thought towns like this only existed in movies and television shows! I think everyone knows eachother and probably are gossiping about the newcomers that just checked into the local motel as I type this...

We arrived here a half an hour ago

Motel room

We pulled our luggage into our 40$ motel room, the woman that gave us the keys had a beehive hairdo

It's not too bad for the price..microwave, fridge, bathtub, big screen t.v. and free internet. I can't complain. Eric and I bounced up and down on the bed, it's comfy ;)

I can't believe we're here, it doesn't feel real. I'm exhausted but also excited. We had a late start this morning. We were on the road for 9 and a half HOURS, we made a few stops a long the way...

There's a little DINER down the road that serves food late into the night, so we're going to wander over there to grab a bite to eat. we're starving.. We also need to take a nice long warm shower, get freshened up...and unwind together

I have so much to write much I want say about our first day on the road and so many pics to post, but It will have to wait until tomorrow morning when I'm a little more coherent..

Just checking in and letting you know that we survived the first day of our road trip and we made it to our first destination point. 5 more days and we'll be in San Francisco!

More details coming tomorrow morning...

on the road

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 9:01 PM | 2 comments

Day 209 - THE FINAL DAY, originally uploaded by clarity25.

As we get closer and closer to moment of departure, the packing becomes more and more frantic.

My husband: "Do you need this?"

Me: "um..yes"

My husband: "where should I put it?"

Me: "Forget it, just...just.. throw it out."

Our cats are watching this all unfold in confusion. They can't fully grasp what is happening.

Today. That's all we have left. We're down to the final stretch.

14 hours exactly until we hit the road for San Francisco

Just breathe...Just breathe....

I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight.

Alright My 10 minute Rockstar Energy drink break is officially over..... back to packing.

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 2:57 PM | 1 comments

Day 208 - Mapping the course, originally uploaded by clarity25.

We pulled out the big map of the United States and Highlighted our pathway.

We're packing like crazy people.

2 more days until our road trip.

and so much to do!!

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 2:56 PM | 1 comments

Day 207 - Last day at Innitech, originally uploaded by clarity25.

Today was my last day of work at Innitech Corporation.

5 months ago I was sitting on the edge of my bed before my first day of work feeling like a complete nervous wreck (SEE HERE). I knew I would be entirely out of my element and about to enter a foreign work environment. It was my first job wearing "business attire" and my introduction to the corporate world. I was sporting uncomfortable high heels and itchy tights. I felt like I was playing "adult dress up" and I thought I would fall flat on my face.

It took some time at first, but eventually I made friends and learned the ropes. Some days were a struggle and I came home utterly exhausted after driving 45 minutes in traffic. I was ready to throw in the towel.

Now on my last day... I realize I'm going to really miss this job and I'm going to really miss my co-workers. I'm going to miss Carrie Bradshaw and her Coach bags, I'm going to miss the twenty-something group that I hung out with during my 15 minute breaks and I'm going to miss my cubicle buddies. I grew to truly care for the entire department.

They threw a SURPRISE GOODBYE PARTY for me today under the fake guise of a "stand up meeting". They had a cake, presents, flowers. They had all put money together in a pool to get me a Classy Black COACH wristlet. Which is now officially the nicest thing I own!

"You can carry that wristlet on the trolley cars in San Francisco, it's portable and good for life-on-the-go" My co-workers explained.

We all took a big group portrait and I almost started to cry. I was so touched that they put this together for me.

I sound like a sap, I know. It just meant a lot to me.

This picture was taken during my last half hour of work. After taking that shot, I cleared out my desk and put all my belongings in a big box. Eric came to pick me up and everyone stood up in their cubicles to wave goodbye. It was surreal and sad.

I really AM entering the next chapter of my life. This is so exciting and scary at the same time. There is so much left to do.

It's all happening so soon.

We hit the road in 4 DAYS!

Only 4 more days....

Going away Cake

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end"
posted by Clarity: 365 days at 8:21 PM | 3 comments

Day 206 - Packing, originally uploaded by clarity25.

We have a very small Toyota Corolla. So the space in our car is limited.

We have to fit all of our clothing, toiletries, food, water, car supplies and our bulky computer (Big towers, hulking montitor, Drawing tablet and speakers) into our car.

so we only have room for ONE BOX with our treasured belongings. I threw in all my journals, sketchbooks, photoalbums and the movies from my DVD collection that I simply can't separate from. It was hard to narrow it down..

But some movies I can't part with because they're just my favorites and they represent different stages in my life. They come with me everywhere.

1. My So Called Life - I know I'm not 15 anymore, but for some reason I can't let go of this box set. Anytime I see it, I'm transported back to my highschool years. At age 15, it was my favorite show in the world. It has a sentimental value that I can't describe. I probably wont watch it at all in San Francisco, yet the the thought of leaving it behind just breaks my heart.

2. American Pop - Not many people know this movie, but it was my favorite in Art College. I must have watched it a hundred times. You should check it out, the soundtrack and artwork will blow you away.

3. Reality Bites - Basically My life right after college graduation and one of the wittiest movies ever made. (in my humble opinion)

4. Office Space - The funniest movie EVER. Plus it represents my life over the past 5 months.

5. Breakfast at Tiffany's - A classic, My favorite and a gift from a treasured friend.

6. Koyanitsquatsi - Eric' favorite movie. He wont go anywhere without it now. Another gift.

We have a little more space left in that box, then we have to seal it shut.

That comes with us

....and everything else we own will either be sold in a garage sale, EBAY or go into storage for a later date.

We have A LOT of packing to do

and only 5 days left

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 8:20 PM | 3 comments