Last night I went to Alamo Square at night for the "Drawing Party" (see previous pics). It was beautiful, but too dark to see more than the glittering street lights of the city landscape and the silhouettes of the victorian homes.
So today we walked to Alamo Square during the day time. We took California street to Filmore and then went straight down filmore. We turned down a side road and there we were. It's a lot further from Russian Hill than I thought...(With our friend driving last night it was fast, but walking is another story entirely.)
This is a terrible picture, You can only see the corner of me in the frame but there's a story behind this photograph. I have to smile everytime I view it now.
Eric crouched down and supported his weight on one knee to take this shot. He likes adjusting all the settings to get the right shot with good framing so it always takes him forever and a day. I just stood there tapping my foot thinking "any day now..."
there was a group of twenty somethings in the distance playing frisbee with their golden retriever.
The frisbee came flying towards Eric's head.
I was certain it would hit him, but I was frozen in surprise and I couldn't seem to open my mouth fast enough to scream "WATCH OUT!"
At that moment, the golden retriever lept in the air over Eric's head and caught the frisbee in his mouth. His entire body crashed into Eric's back, causing him to take an off center photo and collapse over forward. The dog was as startled as Eric.
He looked so shocked to have a dog seemingly fall out of the sky and crash down on him, I had to start laughing. The owners ran up and started apologizing. But they had to laugh too.
A surreal and strange moment.
I shouldn't have laughed so hard though. Karma is a bitch.
10 minutes later I was sitting on the park bench in front of "the painted ladies" taking a photograph and a frisbee hit me smack in the back of the head and bounced off into the distance. Ouch!
A word to the wise: If you're going to visit Alamo Square... Beware of the frisbees. They are everywhere.
Day 8 of 365 days