We made it!!!!

We actually made it!!!

We are in San Francisco!!

I'm sitting here in my new home, with the view of the Golden Gate Bridge outside the open livingroom window. I can hear the cable cars clanging outside and the soft breeze on my face. Our luggage is piled up against the wall.

Our new home.....

It still hasn't fully sunk in yet. I have to keep pinching myself.

We drove 3,083 miles all the way across the country from New York to San Francisco. We passed through 13 states in 7 days.

All of this with "Marty" our little 10 year old Toyota Corolla with 200,000 miles on it, no working air conditioner and no tape deck/cd player.

Right now he could really use a car wash, he's covered in dust, dirt and bugs. He's dented and wheezing, but he's still alive.

Some people said we wouldn't make it across the country with our car...They shook their heads at the idea and told us that it was a major risk. But we did it anyway.

I'm so glad we did.

It was the greatest journey we made in our entire life. An experience I will never forget. It's something I had always dreamed of doing but never imagined I'd have the opportunity.


We hit the California border at 3 P.M. yesterday afternoon

The landscape became greener and more lush. The sky was big, blue and open wide for us. We cruised around the mountain landscape, past the endless pine trees...

Even the fact that our brakes were making funny noises (kind of like a little raptor stuck inside our car screaming at moments during the final 190 miles) didn't take away from our blissful state

Windows open, KFOG, the San Francisco radio station blasting... It was heaven while we drove over the Bay Bridge into S.F.

We meandered over the steep city hills and the victorian homes towards our final destination

Our friend greeted us at his front door with a warm tight hug and said "Welcome home"

So now here we are.

I'm starting over with 365 days, back to day 1. I missed so many days anyway. One month when I disconnected my internet and one month when my cat knocked the water on my laptop.

It's the first day of the rest of our lives. A new chapter begins


Day 1 of 365 days

Starting over....

i just put all the pictures from our road trip into ONE FOLDER. you can find them all ....


posted by Clarity: 365 days at 1:07 PM |


At Wednesday, September 19, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

Congratulations on your trip. I await your address to send you SF housewarming gifts. I hope you're happy in my old city. Can't believe you got there exactly 11 years and two days after I moved there.
