Day 132 - on the roof, originally uploaded by clarity25.

The excitement of finally having a place of our own again hasn’t faded yet..

Eric and I love sitting up on the roof and looking over the town. During the warm days, we can sunbathe and the cooler days we just sketch the view. The basement of the building is like a labyrinth, filled with strange rooms, corridors and a door leading to an overgrown garden…

We’ve moved a lot in the past 4 years.. (Germany, New York, San Francisco) and I realized that our rent each time has increased while the size of our homes have decreased..

At some point it’s going to be time to buy a home but how do you even begin to afford that? I often wonder what other people our age are spending on rent each month and how many own a home already..

When I was 15 I imagined I would own a home by the time I turned 30.. But something tells me that this will not be the case.

But then again, I also thought I would have everything in life all figured out by the time I turned 25


posted by Clarity: 365 days at 2:38 PM |

