May 4th 2008

"America, This is our moment.."

That was the headline on the San Francisco Chronicle Newspaper this morning. When I saw it I was filled with happiness and hope! The whole city is brimming with it right now. You can find a lot of these images of Barak Obama spray stenciled on the streets around San Francisco, particularly around the lower haight area. Every Victorian bay window seems to be sporting a VOTE OBAMA sticker.

It feels like history is in the making and I can't help but feel excited about it.

The question a lot of people are asking now is:

Who is going to be his running mate and will it be Hilary Clinton?

What's your thoughts on that possibility? Dream team or do you not see that happening?

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 2:39 PM |


At Tuesday, August 05, 2008, Blogger Kathleen 

I think Hillary as VP would be a disaster - first off, too many people, including hard core Democrats, hate her. And I can't imagine Barack wants to deal with Bill. I just hope he can win, another four years of Republican rule will destroy this country completely.
