Day 128 - Good times, bad times, originally uploaded by clarity25.

A lot has happened since my last photo update a few weeks ago.

I'll break it down into two categories. the good and the bad...


Eric got sick

Eric developed a really bad inner ear infection and high fever. I had to take him to the ER (Yes, yet another trip to the Emergency Room -- Twice in one month!)

They gave him antibiotics and pain killers. They instructed me to monitor his recovery closely, check for fevers frequently and re-admit him to the hospital if it got worse. They feared that it was Mastoiditis and would require surgery. I was worried out of my mind...

Thankfully after 2 weeks, Eric is now 100% better.

Financial struggles

Rent, Bills, student loan payments, utilities, and purchasing everything for our new place (ie. Bed, Pots, pans, utensils,kitchen table).. We are just truly just barely hanging on.


Our former roommate, John is angry at us over our decision to move out of his apartment and get a place of our own. He threatened Eric the other night and He wants nothing to do with either of us at this point.

After everything we've been through together...It's horrible to see our friendship fall apart like this.

Although I'm still good friends Celine..She's married to John and doesn't want to be caught in the middle. This situation is difficult, upsetting and complex.

This is really not how I imagined things would turn out.

Now for... the GOOD:

We are all moved in and settled into our new flat.

Having our own place again is a dream come true. We started with nothing but a comforter + two pillows, suitcases and an office chair. Now we have almost everything we need. A futon, work desks, kitchen table, utensils, plates, bowls.. It took a while, but it's all fallen into place.

We've grown so much closer again and our marriage is resembling what it was before. although we're struggling. I couldn't be happier or more in love.

I'm entirely healed after my surgery last month.

and....We finally hooked up our internet! It's the cheapest service you could ever imagine and slow as a snail but it's a good temporary solution until we can afford a faster one. (It took 30 minutes to just download the last few pictures - You can click back to view them)

That sums up my last few weeks. Things could be better, but they can also be much worse. I'm trying not to see everything in black and white. I have to remind myself that everything happens for a reason.. The Bad times and the good times...

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 2:34 PM |

