Today was my last day of work at Innitech Corporation.
5 months ago I was sitting on the edge of my bed before my first day of work feeling like a complete nervous wreck (SEE HERE). I knew I would be entirely out of my element and about to enter a foreign work environment. It was my first job wearing "business attire" and my introduction to the corporate world. I was sporting uncomfortable high heels and itchy tights. I felt like I was playing "adult dress up" and I thought I would fall flat on my face.
It took some time at first, but eventually I made friends and learned the ropes. Some days were a struggle and I came home utterly exhausted after driving 45 minutes in traffic. I was ready to throw in the towel.
Now on my last day... I realize I'm going to really miss this job and I'm going to really miss my co-workers. I'm going to miss Carrie Bradshaw and her Coach bags, I'm going to miss the twenty-something group that I hung out with during my 15 minute breaks and I'm going to miss my cubicle buddies. I grew to truly care for the entire department.
They threw a SURPRISE GOODBYE PARTY for me today under the fake guise of a "stand up meeting". They had a cake, presents, flowers. They had all put money together in a pool to get me a Classy Black COACH wristlet. Which is now officially the nicest thing I own!
"You can carry that wristlet on the trolley cars in San Francisco, it's portable and good for life-on-the-go" My co-workers explained.
We all took a big group portrait and I almost started to cry. I was so touched that they put this together for me.
I sound like a sap, I know. It just meant a lot to me.
This picture was taken during my last half hour of work. After taking that shot, I cleared out my desk and put all my belongings in a big box. Eric came to pick me up and everyone stood up in their cubicles to wave goodbye. It was surreal and sad.
I really AM entering the next chapter of my life. This is so exciting and scary at the same time. There is so much left to do.
It's all happening so soon.
We hit the road in 4 DAYS!
Only 4 more days....

"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end"