I was inspired by This photo by littleone7 and decided it was time to go to the beach.
Eric and I walked down Hyde Street to Ghiradelli Square and went to the small beach area beside the pier.
Kids were splashing knee deep in the cold water and laughing, A street performer was singing "San Francisco (wear flowers in your hair)" by scott Mckenzie and strumming his guitar in front of the cable car turntable.
It's not warm enough to sport a bikini yet, but nice enough to dip your feet in the water and relax in the sun.
I laid back on the sand, while Eric started combing the beach for seashells. That's him in front of me examining a crab that washed up on the shore. That's the first thing he does whenever he goes to the beach.. searches for sealife, shells, rounded glass looking pebbles. It's so endearing and part of what I love about him. His endless curiosity and fascination with everything. It's contagious. I joined him after this shot was taken.
We climbed along the rocks leading towards Fort Mason, then sat on the edge of the steep hill overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge to watch the sunset.
Fisherman's Wharf area is so kitsch and touristy (a lot of locals avoid it all together) but I love it there. People come from all over the world to see the views and be a part of the San Francisco atmosphere. Sometimes you forget for moments how beautiful it is here and the tourists excitement remind me of how lucky I am to call this city home.
It was a perfect day, just the two of us. We left our worries, financial struggles, concerns..all of that at home and just relaxed.