Day 149 - Changes, originally uploaded by clarity25.

It's Monday night and I just returned from another day of work at "Innitech Corporation". (I had to stay in the office an hour and a half longer than usual because of a meeting.) The beginning of WEEK 2.

Eric fell asleep on the sofa in his work clothes and I'm too exhausted to sit up straight in my chair while I type this. Good times.

I'm sure tomorrow will be better...just need sleep....must keep positive outlook...must.......*yawn*

A friend came to visit me at the office during my lunchbreak. She jumped back when she saw me and said I looked like "an entirely different person." I didn't know how to take that.

So here's a series of Before and After shots documenting the stylistic change from freelance artist to office worker.

Changes #2

Changes # 3

Alright, time to drag my sleeping husband into the bedroom with me. He's out cold. If I can get the cats to carry his legs and I get the top part, I'm sure we can manage it.

Day 149 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 4:15 PM |


At Tuesday, May 08, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

I think it's sad you feel you have to subjugate your entire personality to work in an office. I've worn my punk rock leather motorcycle jacket to work. I would totally carry that kick-ass Heineken purse. And with my feet issues, I wear Chuck Taylors every day. Of course, I worry if I lose this job that a new place might not understand that they either get all black Chucks and a semblance of professionalism or they get your basic white tennis shoes.

At Tuesday, May 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

I feel your pain. I have to dress differently for work too. But remember, you have the weekends and it's not forever:). I love this series of photographs!

At Tuesday, May 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

How did you get your pictures to look like poloaroids like that? Very cool!

At Wednesday, May 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

You don't have to completely conform! You can still have your own style and work in a corporate environment.
When I worked at the big accounting firm I still brought in my beaded peacock bag. Since your not walking around all day with your bag you don't really need a super corporate bag. At the big accounting firm for me it was all about the accessories, big chunky rings and cool necklaces got my through.

At Wednesday, May 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

My personal favorite is funky tie-dye looking or retro-print scarves. Of course, I've been known to wear the conservative black turtleneck with a hippie-ass skirt and boots, too. But my office isn't terribly formal. Find yourself a happy medium. You can look professional without losing your style. ;)

