Day 142 - A new chapter, originally uploaded by clarity25.

Right now I'm painting a portrait in oil color. This is a close up of a section that I'm working on.

I love painting and I love working as a free-lance artist... but I'm going to have to wash off my paintbrushes and put them away for a few months.

We need to get out of the financial hole we're in and start putting money in a savings account so that we can eventually move back to Europe. We are only BARELY getting by, so things are going to have to change.

I just got a new job and it starts on Tuesday.

I thought I would be starting next week, but I was just called in. I'm going to be entirely honest and confess that I'm INCREDIBLY NERVOUS about this job.

I'll be working for a large company. (I can't disclose the name so I'll just call it..."Unitech Corporation") I'll be sitting behind a desk and I'll need to wear "business attire"

I don't OWN a business suit. I don't even own a pair of dress shoes. If you've been following my 365 days project, you'll notice that I wear knee-high striped socks, torn jeans and a pair of adidas sneakers. I'm thinking of changing my platinum blond hair to a more natural hue. Unless I get my act together and dress the part... I will be sticking out like a sore thumb. I'm scared enough as it is. I'm going to be completely out of my element.

This is a major change for me and I'll be working full time, forty hours a week with a 45 minute commute.

So after I finish painting this eye, I'm heading out to the stores before they close to buy some new clothing.

The next 233 days are going to be a new (somewhat frightening) chapter for me but I know I can do this. At the end of this journey We'll hopefully have enough money to return to Europe. This is the first step.....

Day 142 of 365 days

P.S. Thank you everyone for your caring feedback on my previous entry. It meant a lot. As you can see my new laptop is now working, so I'll be returning to my daily photo updates. I missed you guys!

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 9:57 PM |


At Monday, April 30, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Good Luck with your new job and new chapter. I'm certain you will be most successful.

At Monday, April 30, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

I'm so glad to see an update from you :) Sounds like you're taking steps to move forward and I hope it goes well! Congrats on your new job and I'll keep my fingers crossed that it goes well!!

At Monday, April 30, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Hey Clarity,
What exciting and Fantasitc changes are coming your way...I know it's scary and nerve wracking, but I also know that you guys can do anything you put your minds to.
Best of luck with your savings've gotta start point still wishing this time next year you were in Europe and not having made any pro-active steps towards your dream. You are doing all the right things beautiful girl...
Good luck with your new job'll be awesome, don't go changing to much, just be you...they hired you that way didnt they?
Oh, and it's GREAT to have you back at my breakfast table. Kia Kaha Clarity. Much Love, K.C.

At Tuesday, May 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Good luck with the new job! I'm certain you'll be fine. WOrking 40 hours a week with a 45 minute commute isn't that bad, it's what I do and you quickly adapt to it. It's easier if you're working to a definite goal like going back to Europe. Are you returning to Germany? Anyway, it's great to have you backa dn hear that things are looking a teeny bit more positive in your world!

At Tuesday, May 01, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

Beautiful portrait, but I expect such beauty from your art. I pray for the day you can work officially at it again.

At Tuesday, May 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

We missed you!! and I hope the new job goes well.
