I survived my first day at my new job. I came home so exhausted and utterly wasted though. I immediately kicked off my tight dress shoes and collapsed into bed. Within 2 minutes, I was OUT COLD.

Yesterday's schedule:

5:30 A.M. - woke up. tore apart closet to pulled together an outfit that made me look like a 1950's secretary. I could hear Sean Connery's greeting in my head when I gazed at my reflection: "Good morning Ms. Money Penny...." Obviously I don't know the first thing about a modern business woman's dress attire. (see previous picture)

7:10 A.M.: hit the road

8:00 A.M.: Arrived at the massive building. Peered up at the reflective glass windows in utter fear as I walked up to the revolving doors.

8:05 A.M.: Stood in the elevator with a bunch of men with business suits. Cleared throat. felt like character in strange movie.

8:10 A.M.: I was led through the department by my supervisor and introduced to my new co-workers. Everyone said I would want to escape for my life by the end of the day. VERY comforting to hear. Clutched new purse, smiled nervously, shook many many hands. Too many names, forgot ALL of them....

8:30 A.M.: told to shred 1,000 confidential documents while supervisor attends meeting. No explanation. Thinking about Nixon and Watergate. wondering what I got into....

9:00 - 1:00: Extensive training begins. Head starts to pound, taking notes and notes... too much to remember. feeling like girl in "Devil wears Prada"

1:00: Lunch break. I am warned by co-worker that the cafeteria is a "Poison Palace" and that I should always pack my own lunch. Wish I had known this earlier. Too late. Eat at "Poison Palace". Still alive to talk about it but pitiful amount served cost a whopping 10 dollars. Will be packing lunch from now on...

1:45 - 5:00: More extensive training. Head is now spinning. Fumble through 25 pages of scribbled notes and give reassuring smile. "Piece of cake", I say. I tapped forehead "It's all up here" Total lie.

5:05 P.M.: Pack up belongings, lock file cabinets, lock computer, stumble out of office building exhausted and overwhelmed.

6:00 P.M. : Arrived home and passed out

Most annoying thing about work day was the sound of my heels clicking while I walked. Clackity click clackity click. non-stop. Arrrrrrgggghhhhh...

Now it's 6:00 A.M and I have to get back into those uncomfortable shoes to face another long scary day at the company I will call: "Unitech Corporation"

Goal number 1# Make a friend.

I'm one of the youngest in the company. It's intimidating. Any advice? I don't know the first thing about "office ettiquette" I'm completely out of my element. This is a completely different world in comparison to the casual atmosphere of my previous job in Europe.

Day 144 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 4:49 PM |


At Wednesday, May 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

so happy you're posting again.

take it from an office bitch, you don't have to go totally 1950s secretary. I suggest some chunky mary jane heels - sooo much more comfy and cute. uncomfortable shoes ruin everything. I used to buy cute heels and also ugly shoes that I thought looked more professional, but I was miserable all day. good luck doll. i'm rooting for you!

At Wednesday, May 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Work friends will come, don't worry.

The most important no-no in a big office is gossip, so don't use gossip to make friends or your supervisor will tag you as a trouble-maker right off the bat. Your energy will revolve around learning the job (not friends) for a few weeks and it will be draining, but worth it.

$10 for lunch? That's nutso! Pack a sack lunch, find a bench outside or a tree and read or sketch or daydream.

I'm so proud of you.

At Wednesday, May 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Oops, that last post was from me.

At Wednesday, May 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

I recently became the office manager for the place I work (with the understanding that I will be leaving for Alaska this month) and in my last days have been given the most wonderful,heartfelt compliments that I made the office a fun, comfortable place.

All I did was be nice, be honest and work...

I didn't even want the job in the first place, but I'm a little sad to be leaving it... just a little.

Sometimes things are more simple than they first appear...

(I know, that made absolutley no sense whatsoever... sorry.)


At Thursday, May 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Hi Clarity, don't worry about making friends, you'll do it naturally. Starting a new ob is always terrifying but gradually friends come, usually with the people you work closest to. The only things I would really advise are a) Don't join in office gossip and bitching until you know people, you never know which bitch will pass stuff on and make you look bad, b) Take a pack luncjh which you can take out and eat somewhere quiet. It gives you a break from the nervousness for half an hour or so and allows a bit of 'you' time to unwind c) buy some pretty flat shoes like ballet pumps or some chunky heels (very in here in UK, don't know about US), they are so much more comfy and you won't be going home with aching feet. d) If things are hard and you are struggling to meet people don't forget that you are only there to make enough money to go back to Europe and that you have friends outside of work, you're not an outcast!! It's a big change but you will adapt and get used to it and it isn't forever. Good luck!! xx

At Thursday, May 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

wear flip-flops to work and change into "office" shoes, just for the office.
Avoid gossip, but don't let the gossipers realize that you're above it, or they'll gossip about you.
Be yourself and it will be fine. Most people like to get along with their colleagues and it will happen naturally. Everyone feels awkward at first.

At Thursday, May 03, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

I have total faith in you that you will make friends, but I know the feeling of complete awkwardness and being uncomfortable.

And yes, girl, buy some comfortable shoes!!! It is not worth ruining your feet, trust me on this one. I know of what I speak.

Be pleasant, friendly, open and as everybody else has said avoid gossip, and you'll be fine. And nobody expects you to understand everything the first day.

Can you wear slacks there? I'm a firm believer in black slacks for work. I was thinking that I might have some clothes I could send which I'll never fit into again every in this lifetime. Let me know if you want some free work type clothes. Okay, chica?

*hugs* (as always)

At Thursday, May 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Thank goodness I'm not required to wear proper 'business attire' to work...I would be peeved if I had to---I too am more 'casual chic'...love my jeans & sneakers.
My sister has to dress like that though...she just kicks off her heels and is bare-foot until she needs to go on lunch or to the loo or home again.

You'll make friends in time...I agree-stay away from the office gossips.

Good Luck!


At Thursday, May 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

The Gap has these pants called the Boyfriend trouser, they come in Black, Navy and Khaki. They are my new office staple. I'm all about the black with a crazy accessory, it's easy and you can't pick out a wrong outfit.
Someone else mentioned it, but get yourself a pair of ballet flats, they are stylish and comfortable at the same time.
As for making friends..in all my office dwelling life it always seems to work that when someone is new someone will ask them if they want to go grab coffee or lunch or drinks. Go. All my work friends have been made because of the love of coffee.
If all else fails ask someone who seems nice if they want to do a coffee run with you.
Some other stupid tips that save you in the office.
Hand cream..I don't know why but office air is drying.
Energy bars and nuts - keep you away from the vending machine.
Hand sanitizer - Im not a germaphobe by any means, but the office is a germy place, once one person is sick you will eventually get sick too.
It will get better over time don't worry.

At Thursday, May 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

It's just all the unknown that's so exhausting. You will adjust. And I can't believe you don't like the clackity heels sound! Seriously, it always makes me feel very authoritative. ;) That said, ballet flats are definitely a good option if the heels are hurting you.

As for making friends, the lunch room is where it's at. Just sit with someone who looks nice and start talking.

It will get better. It won't be great, but it will get better.

At Thursday, May 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Black pants are an office "must" ... TickTrix and I make jokes about our "uniform" (that is, black pants and some sort of sweater or button down). I personally like the whole ankle boots thing. That way, you could wear your stripy socks and no one would know....hehe.

Asking work-related questions is a good way to get to know your co-workers. Chances are it will start some sort of conversation.

At Thursday, May 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Oh, and I wanted to comment on some things that other people said.

It will be tempting to just spend the lunch hour by yourself and away from prying eyes and curious questions, but don't do it. It will take a lot longer to make friends if you seem like you're withdrawing from others. I learned this lesson the hard way.

And while it's not exactly necessary to make friends at work, you will definitely feel better about work if you have at least one friend there. You know, someone you can chat with for a few minutes when you're feeling stressed or someone who's HAPPY to see you when you get there. You have to be able to have some laughs when you're doing something you're not excited about. Otherwise, some days can be almost unbearable.
