Day 140 - Saying Goodbye, originally uploaded by clarity25.

My good friend, Tara came to visit this week.

Unfortunately smack in the middle of a massive family drama. We were able to spend time together but not as much as I had hoped.

This was our last 25 minutes together before she had to leave for her flight.

We all sat together in Starbucks. Tara is on the left in the black Navy jacket, That's Eric having some kind of heart attack after taking a bite out of his crumbcake (to be honest, I'm not sure WHAT he's doing) and that's my Java chip Frappucino in the foreground. A chunk of of heaven all rolled up into a cup and ready for consumption.

Tara's visit slipped by so fast. I keep thinking she's still in town and that I can call her up to go out for drinks.

But now she's back in Florida...

We miss you Tara.:(

Day 140 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 1:18 PM |

