Day 147 - I miss my husband..., originally uploaded by clarity25.

My new work schedule makes it difficult to spend time with Eric.

We just discovered that we WONT have a single day off together again for at least 4 months.

Eric works from Saturday to Wednesday. I work from Monday to Friday. He can't change his schedule because he's a manager and he's required to oversee things on the weekends. I can't change my schedule either.

I loved our days off together, we would look forward to those two days each week with anticipation. It's hard to grasp that we wont have that anymore...

Now we barely see eachother at all. I've been so tired when I return from work, That I just collapse after dinner. (Which is usually some microwave T.V. dinner because we're both too drained to actually COOK anything) Then I stumble to bed and I'm asleep before my head even hits the pillow. This has been an awful week.

This morning I didn't want him to go to work.

"Stay...take the day off, Lets do something fun together", I whispered

"I wish I could, You have no idea how much I wish I could.. I can't", Eric told me "I have 3 meetings today and I don't even HAVE any days off available until next month"

He gave me a kiss and he was gone. I was alone. The weather is beautiful but all the activities I could think of doing don't seem as much fun without Eric. The house feels empty..

How am I going to survive 4 months of this???

Does anyone else have a schedule like this with their significant other and how do YOU deal with it? How do you make the time to be together when you both work 40 hour weeks on different schedules?

I miss how we used to work side by side in the same company in Germany. We were so happy. I used to look forward to work every morning and we walked holding hands to the studio. I thought about those days, now it's just becoming a distant memory....

This picture was taken early this morning before Eric shaved or changed out of his PJ's. That's my hand reaching out to touch the side of his face. I love feeling the roughness of his early morning stubble and how he looks when he first wakes up. I have to appreciate every moment I have with him now, they're going to be few and far between.

Day 147 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 4:06 PM |


At Sunday, May 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

It's all about the evenings, if that's going to be the only time you see each other than make the most of it. Your exhuasted(which you will soon adjust and won't be so exhuasted, trust me.) when you get home so maybe have a relaxing bath perhaps together ;)unwind and relax and make that your time together. The next few months are all about shifting and adjusting.
Just keep the bigger picture in focus, this office life and not seeing Eric is all being done so you can return to Europe. It's not permanent.
Maybe on weekends you can meet him for lunch, maybe on his days off he could come meet you. On the days that each of you are off make an effort to make real food, that way you can have left overs the next nights instead of microwaved dinners.
Just make the most of the time you do have together.

At Sunday, May 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

I feel your pain. I went through a similar time with my hubby. We were working opposite shifts and we rarely saw eachother. But at least we had the weekends. But remember THIS TOO SHALL PASS. I agree with the above comment. Keep the big picture in view. It's not forever:) I hope things get better soon for you both.

At Sunday, May 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

This made me sad. That must be hard to go from working together to working so far apart like that. Thinking about you!

At Monday, May 07, 2007, Blogger JulieU. 

Godric and I have never really had the same days off...occasionally we'll get Sundays together (ah, retail). You have to learn to use your evenings wisely. I spend my Saturdays doing laundry, cleaning and running errands so my Sundays (if he's off) and evenings are free.
