Day 146 - "honey, I'm home...", originally uploaded by clarity25.

I'm home!!. I survived WEEK ONE at "Initech Corporation".

Finally I can kick off my high heels, peel off my stockings and take down my hair for 2 days straight.... and relax.

I have GOOD NEWS (for a change)

Today at 9 A.M., I was approached by some twenty-somethings from another department. They invited me to grab a cup of coffee with them in the breakroom.

They meet up every day, twice a day for two ten minute breaks.They said they'd swing by my department and pick me up from now on so I could join them.

There's hope after all. I found co-workers my age. They're casual, funny, and down-to-earth. I'm starting to understand all the new software, my job and walking with more confidence. It's not so bad after all.

But... on the downside...

This morning I woke up with HORRIBLE shooting back pain. I couldn't move. Eric brought me some painkillers and water. He helped me out of bed. He told me that it's probably because I'm not used to..

A. Wearing high-heels
B. Being hunched-over so tense in front of an office computer for 8 hours a day, 5 days straight. In my previous job, I did a lot more moving around and alternated between the computer, the artist easel, and light table. With this job, I'm CHAINED to the computer.

My entire back is one huge knot, I've been popping EXCEDRINE all day long.

It's Friday night but unfortunately right now all I want to do is SLEEP. I'm you can tell by this picture. I just plopped the camera on the foyer floor and snapped a photo of my painful high-heels before kicking them off for the weekend. I don't have the energy to be more creative.

Plus Eric is about to give me a much-needed back massage...:)

I hope you all have a great weekend! Your advice and caring comments really helped me get through this difficult first week at my new job. Thank you.

Day 145 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 5:04 PM |


At Friday, May 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Sorry to hear about your back - I hope you feel better soon. Welcome to corporate America!

At Saturday, May 05, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Make a point of standing and stretching once an hour, go to the bathroom and stretch if you don't want to at your desk.
Also if your not already doing so, take your shoes off when your at your desk. I used to have one of those rolly wooden foot massager things at work which was fun. Also lean back in your chair, I know it's hard because sometimes I find myself with my nose to the screen too, but if you lean back you will have less back pain end of day.
I know all the tricks as I have a bad back to begin with. Keep stretching.
Hope your weekend is awesome!

At Sunday, May 06, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

WOW - I just read your last 4 or 5 entries and so much has happened! It's like a completely new life, wardrobe and set of physical ailments! That which does not kill you makes you stronger, Clarity, is what they say. Keep your eyes on the prize - Europe! -Acorn
