Day 143 - Nervous, originally uploaded by clarity25.

It's 6:30 A.M and TODAY is the first day of my new job. (see previous pic for more details)

I'm a nervous wreck. I'm already on my second cup of coffee.

Yesterday I bought a few new tops, dress pants and skirts. I think this qualifies as "Business attire" but to be honest, I'm not even sure. I wont know for certain until I meet my new co-workers. I also bought a pair of plain black dress shoes and a brown Charter club purse.

I feel like I'm playing "Dress up". This ISN'T me....

Eric is awake too, He's cooking eggs. He gave me a kiss and called me his little "Business woman". He assured me that I would "knock them dead" today and that he had "absolute faith" in me.

I wish I felt as sure of myself.

I'm standing in front of my bedroom mirror trying to decide whether to wear the white button up top with the biege slacks or the black skirt... or maybe the black shirt with the black dress pants...or maybe...????

I hope I survive today. Maybe it will help to hum the theme song to "Mary Tyler Moore" I need to log off and finish getting ready.

wish me luck:)

I'll let you know how it goes.

Day 143 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 4:05 AM |


At Tuesday, May 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

You'll be fine!
Hope your first day was great!

At Tuesday, May 01, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

I have total and complete faith in you, and hope your office is a tad more casual than that. Egads, you'd be way overdressed at my work.

I also hope that the work isn't too hideously boring and that if it's data entry, they let you have music!!!

At Tuesday, May 01, 2007, Blogger Cloudy 


At Tuesday, May 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Oh yes and I work for a GIANT corporation and you would be over dressed (atleast at our branch!) here as well.

Welcome to clockwatching!

At Tuesday, May 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

I'm so proud of you!! I can't wait to hear how your first day goes.

At Wednesday, May 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

What you are wearing in that picture looks smarter than anything I wear for work and we are meant to wear 'business attire'. You're going to be fine but best of luck anyway, keep us posted!!

At Wednesday, May 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Well? How'd it go? You looked great and I hope it wasn't as scary as you were anticipating!!

At Wednesday, May 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Yeah, I was going to say....I don't remember the last time I actually wore pantyhose. Most of the time, "business attire" means "just don't show up in jeans with holes in them." You'll be're already smarter than MANY people with whom I have worked. If you can use graphic software, you can do just about anything office related. I promise. Think of this as an adventure...if nothing else, offices always provide blog fodder! Heh.
