Day 148 - Hiding, originally uploaded by clarity25.

It's a beautiful warm Spring day and it's Sunday.

I met up with Eric during his lunchbreak and then I visited my family.

Now it's 6 P.M and the sun is setting.

Tomorrow is work. I changed into my PJ's and climbed under the covers.

I'm hiding from Monday.

This weekend went by too fast. I wish I could freeze time and make Sunday last forever.....

In less than 11 and a half hours, another week at "Initech Corporation" begins...

To make matters worse, Michael is pissed off about my new work schedule and has been giving me dirty looks all day. I reach out to pet him and he walks away angrily. Ever since I started this new job he's been acting like this...He even vomited in my dress shoes. I know they are ugly, but come ON...

Not a happy Kitty

THAT'S his new permanent expression lately....

*buries head in pillow*

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 8:30 PM |


At Monday, May 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Michael will adjust. He's just acting out right now, but he'll get used to you being gone all day.

As for not being able to spend time with Eric, I sympathize. But in all honesty, not many people get to spend every single weekend with their spouse - let alone work together. It's a rare thing that you and Eric have been able to spend so much time together. Unfortunately, it seems like you'll just have to get used to being apart for the time being. Just make the most of whatever time you do have together. And keep in mind that this whole situation is temporary.

Also, the whole being exhausted and unable to function after you get home from work thing? That will change as you adjust to the hours and the work you're doing. I'm a writer, and I spend my ENTIRE day (sometimes even lunch) in front of the computer and don't get home until 6:00. But I still cook dinner every night. Sometimes I even work out or do some shopping! And have sex! The point is, you'll adjust, and you won't be so wrecked when you get home in the evenings.

At Monday, May 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Hehe. My kitties get irritated when I go to work sometimes, too. He'll get over it, and realize that he's lonely, and decide that SOME attention is better than being an asshat.

As for the does get better. I'm glad you're making some work friends.

At Monday, May 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Michael will get over it and come around. Cat's take everything so personally!

I know it's now Monday but you cannot spend your whole weekend thinking about how many hours left until work. It's a surefire way to go insane! One of my secrets for making weekends seem longer is to get up early atleast one of the days. Yes it's tempting to sleep in until 10am or later. But if you get up early your day seems longer, you can have a 30 minute nap in the afternoon and you still have the whole evening to go. It makes your weekends seem just as long as your weekdays.

At Tuesday, May 08, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

I'm with Becks. Michael will come around and you'll cease to be so exhausted after a brief adjustment period. Part of it is the stress of not knowing what you're doing (been there a few times), but soon you'll be wondering the problem is. When I first started working here (in the old lovely building) I swore I would never ever find my way around it (it's HUGE and holds 6500 people) and I refused to leave my desk for months for fear of getting lost. Now I stop and offer help to people who look a little confused while looking at the building map. Well, I do when I'm in the old bldg. You'll be fine, young lady!
