Day 139 - Broken Dreams, originally uploaded by clarity25.

Have you ever seen the movie "Meet the Parents"? That's what I'm going through right now. (Minus the happy ending.)

What do you do when your father wont accept the man you chose to marry?

I feel like he's trying to tear us apart. These past few days have been the worst..

These are the figurines that were on our wedding cake at our marriage reception nearly 5 years ago. A few days ago it fell off the dresser and broke in half. I don't believe in bad omens but the sight of it made me cry.. .

My father didn't come to our wedding.

It was my mother that walked me down the aisle.

I haven't told that to anyone. The only people that knew this were the ones that attended the ceremony. I made an excuse for him. Now it's out in the open. I love my father but I'm tired of making excuses for him. He has crossed the line, I thought things were going to get better. I can't deal with this anymore.

I'm going to get out my superglue...

Day 139 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 1:18 PM |


At Friday, March 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

I'm so sorry hon...everything you've written about Eric proves he's a wonderful man. This issue is with your father, and your father alone. I hope for your sake, it gets resolved.
