Day 137 - Never?, originally uploaded by clarity25.

"Never say Never"... that's how the saying goes, but I was thinking about that this afternoon. There ARE somethings I can honestly say "NEVER" to..

13 things I would never do

1 - Eat a Live Camel Spider (or any insect for that matter)
2 - Lie to myself
3 - Take Eric for granted
4 - Turn my back on my family
5 - Discriminate against someone based on Religion or Ethnicity
6 - Kill someone
7 - Join a cult
8 - Smoke Crack
9 - Forget where I came from
10 - Go on a Reality Show (This 365 days project is the closest I'll ever come to exposing myself)
11 - Buy a pair of Manolo Blahnik shoes. (10,000 for a pair of shoes is Biggest waste of money I can possibly imagine.)
12 - Vote a future Bush into office
13 - Refuse a plate of Sushi

What about you? What would you never do?

Day 137 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 12:30 AM |


At Monday, March 05, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

I have to say, that's the best "NEVER list" I've ever seen. I agree with all of them. I would have to add that I'll never abandon my child.

At Monday, March 05, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

What is you were offered 1 million dollars a year for the rest of your life would you eat a camel spider? How about half that if you can prepare it anyway you like?

#7, I don't think anyone thinks they will join a cult and if your in a cult you don't think it's a cult. So you'd never knowingly join a cult.

#11 I know your exaggerating, but a Manolo is around 600 bucks not 10 grand! But I wouldn't even pay that much, it's crazy!! My friend though found a pair in a clearance rack of an outlet store and got them for 100 bucks.

Im with you on all of them though.

What would I never do?

Hurt an animal.

Hope your doing better!

At Monday, March 05, 2007, Blogger MamaKBear 

I will never turn my back on these two girls I am adopting...they are almost (finally!) legally mine, and I will always be there for them.

At Tuesday, March 06, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

I used to say I'd never trust a man with my life/love, but I have to revise that now. Maybe once he dumps me I'll say it again and this time mean it. How's that cynical?

Just thinking of those camel spiders is enough to put me off food. *shudder*

I'm with you on certain things being a waste of money. I can't imagine paying hundreds of dollars for shoes or a purse.
