Today we walked across the Golden Gate Bridge.

It was late afternoon when we started. The walk both ways is about 3 miles in distance. It was windy and a fog was rolling over the top of the bridge.

When you hold the railing, you can feel it tremble beneath your hand. The wind whipped through my hair and I peered down at the water swirling below.

The vibration underneath my feet made me think of an impending earthquake. Reading the comments from people that had experienced earthquakes in San francisco, around California and other areas made me feel slightly queasy. ( - Scroll down past the picture to read the earthquake experiences of others)

...and of course I thought of how the 1989 earthquake made a part of the Bay Bridge collapse...

There was a teenage girl in the middle of the bridge curled up in a ball on the ground with her face buried against the railing. Her mother was trying to calm her down. Her mother explained to me that she was afraid of heights.

I really felt for her.. and I wondered why on earth her mother took her up to the Golden Gate bridge in the first place

But the walk was exciting and invigorating.... the fresh air, the beautiful view of the bay area, hearing the fog horns from the ships below... I recommend it to anyone living in the San Francisco area or coming to visit. It's just something you have to experience once.

Be sure to bring a jacket though. It can get so cold when the fog moves in and it will come over you so suddenly. I lost feeling in my fingers.

Here's some VIDEO footage. If you look closely you'll see Eric squinting and peering up at the top of the bridge in the beginning. click on the link to view it.

Day 26 of 365 days

Peering up

walking towards the Bridge

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 9:49 PM |


At Thursday, October 18, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

I still can't believe I lived there four years and never walked across the GG Bridge. Drove across it a number of times, but never walked.

At Friday, October 19, 2007, Blogger QUASAR9 

Hi Clarity, Magic Blog
I just flew in from Ric's Place @ Candoor
Love the feel, looks great, could almost feel the bridge just as if my hands were on the railing too.

And here's wishing you a grand weekend, whatever it is you do.
