Day 15 - Saying Goodbye, originally uploaded by clarity25.

Our Old apartment is now entirely empty. I walked through the flat listening the sound of my footsteps and closed all the windows.

Every room held a memory of our life in New York. Memories of the day we first moved in.. ( SEE HERE... )

Memories of what the livingroom looked like after the first week..( SEE HERE ) -- So Different from how it looks today in this shot...

How happy we were when we had everything moved in... ( SEE HERE )

It's strange when one chapter of your life officially ends and another one begins.

I handed over our keys to the landlord. He gave us back our full deposit.

and that was it...

Yesterday I brought Michael to the vet and has a clean bill of health.

Today I managed to get Fiona into the carrying case by wrapping her up in a towel and putting her inside before she broke free. (it was the ONLY way!). She screamed bloody murder the entire drive to the vet. She also has a clean bill of health and all her required shots.

They have all the documents they need for air travel. I am officially ready to take our two cats back to San Francisco with me.

The three of us are flying to California tomorrow morning.

Day 15 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 2:04 PM |


At Monday, October 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

I'm not usually a cat fan but Michael is a beautiful looking cat isn't he? Don't be too sad leaving your apartment, you had good times there but bad times too and it's time for the next chapter in the Eric and Clarity story, I've got a feeling it's going to be a happy and a long one!
