We found a cool club on Sutter street called "The Cellar"

Underground, Atmospheric, moody, great music and $1 corona's during Happy Hour.

Celine, Eric and I played a few rounds of pool. I'm not the greatest pool player and after 3 beers.. I was even worse. this picture was taken during that time.

If it looks like I'm holding the cue wrong...

...it's because I was..

But it was such a fun night. A lot of laughter and it was fun running up the hills home. It's wonderful to be in the center of the city and not having to drive anywhere anymore.

Sorry this photo is blurry, but it's the only picture taken on this day.

I had been feeling stressed all week. I was finally able to just entirely unwind and let go.

I found a website called "Unthirsty.com".. You just type in the name of your city and will tell you where to find all the happy hours in your area. it's worth checking out

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 9:46 PM |


At Tuesday, October 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Ontario banned Happy Hour drink specials. It's quite sad.
When I lived in Vancouver there was a Britpop night(this was during the 90's!) and they had 1 pints of beer. And on the walk home there were dollar slices of pizza.

Theres a Rogue Brew House in San Fran somewhere, you should try to check it out they have a chocolate beer that is so good you will jump for joy!

At Tuesday, October 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

You don't play pool...you shoot pool. -Acorn

At Thursday, October 18, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

You're so cute. I swear I play pool better after a few drinks - although I think other people don't think so. I think the last time I played pool was in SF...
