Day 20 - Marriage, originally uploaded by clarity25.

5 years ago, these little figurines were given to us as a gift and placed on top of our wedding cake.

Everytime we move to a new location, we carefully unwrap it from newspaper and place it somewhere in our flat.

It's just a tradition.

We went through a hard time less than a year ago when my father expressed his extreme disapproval with my decision over marrying Eric. During that time, the figurines fell off the dresser and broke apart on the hardwood floor.

See picture here ---

I wish I had my father's blessing, but my love and marriage to Eric runs deeper than he realizes. We've been through so much. Nothing is going to come inbetween us. He completes me.

Someday my father will understand this. I just have to be patient.

I superglued them back together.

And here they are in San Francisco in one piece. I put the figurines carefully onto our windowsill.

During our many moves, we've lost a lot of sentimental items and sold most of our belongings, we've been reduced to suitcase, 2 boxes and a bag of clothing

but this is one thing we always manage to hold on to.

Day 20 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 2:52 PM |


At Thursday, October 18, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

I have missed reading your stuff.
