Day 22 - Earthquakes???, originally uploaded by clarity25.

Before moving to San Francisco, I knew that experiencing an earthquake was going to be inevitable. Everyone talks about when "the big one" is going to hit.

I always check the "earthquake" week section of "the San Francisco Chronicle" with a mixture of fascination and trepidation. It's something that's so foreign to me and yet a commonplace occurance for most California natives.

Last week there were 143 documented Earthquakes in the bay area. This week 120.

I asked John if he ever felt an earthquake during his time in California (approx. 11 months)

"Of course", he responded

"What was it like?" I asked

"the first time was extremely unsettling in a way I can't put my finger on...unlike anything I ever felt before and it disturbed me down to my inner core. but you get used to a way. Most of the earthquakes I experienced was during my time in Berkley and Oakland." he continued "But it's just a part of living here. something that comes with the territory. But don't worry...Most of them are so small, you don't even feel it."

I bit my lip and gazed down at the newspaper.


Has anyone else felt one before? What was it like?

Day 22 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 2:54 PM |


At Tuesday, October 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

We had a couple of them in Manchester a few years back. They are unlikely to be on the magnitude of San Francisco ones as England doesn't get big quakes (touch wood!) but it was noticable. I was in a supermarket at the time, things were falling off shelves and you could see the floor move. Hysterical women were shrieking, which was ridiculous as it was only a litle quake. Eerie is hte best word I can think of for it, although a larger one would be scary.

At Wednesday, October 17, 2007, Blogger Nightmare 

Yeah when I lived in CA I got to feel 3-4 of them. The first was a doosey, and I wasn't sure what to do. I mean you always hear about standing in a doorway or getting in your bathtub, but all I did was ride it out like a ride at the amusement park. The other one I remember really well was clear up in Chico CA and I was asleep, and I had a water bed at the time (shut up it was 20 years ago) and it was a really fun ride.

At Thursday, October 18, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

I think I experienced 3 when I lived there but only felt the first one. I was sitting on my couch and all my earrings were rattling on their "tree." I didn't really enjoy them, I must say.
