Day 25 - trout

Day 25 - trout, originally uploaded by clarity25.

Eric brought home fresh Trout for dinner.

I've eaten a lot of fish in my life but believe it or not.. I've NEVER eaten trout.

I also never ate a fish with it's head still attached to the body. Usually just filet in a sandwich or sushi. When Eric showed me this trout, I literally jumped back.

"What are you going to do with that?" I asked

"Cook it", Eric said. "It's okay, it's dead."

I moved closer and poked it cautiously with my finger. It was slimey.

I know it seems strange that a sushi lover would respond this way to a raw fish. But it's different when it's wrapped in rice and it isn't STARING at you.

"the tongue has little teeth on it." Eric said.

I touched the tongue and winced. ick. Since it was evening and I still hadn't taken a shot for 365 days, I snapped a picture.

Eric grilled the trout and we ate them for dinner.

It was...crunchy. I had to keep spitting out little bones into my napkin. Although trout tastes good and Eric did a great job seasoning it. I don't think I'll be having it again.

I'll just stick with sushi from now on...

Day 25 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 9:48 PM |


At Tuesday, October 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

well the crunchy part of the trout depends upon how one prepares it. Commonly the route to get less crunchy is by fileting the trout so that you can cut around the bone structure of the fish. Of course this looses some of the meat on it but there are few if any bones.

Otherwise if cooking the whole fish ya tend to get a lot more bones.

At Tuesday, October 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

I love fish but really hate the bones, even if there are only a few it makes me cringe!

Don't even get me started on scales!!
