Day 152 - At my desk, originally uploaded by clarity25.

7:00 leave for office.

8:00 A.M. arrive at office, unlock cabinets and log onto computer. Start working

9:00 A.M. Coffee break with twenty-somethings from other department. So glad I found some people my age in the building to hang with.

9:10 A.M. Pick up New York times from Downstairs cafe. I became friends with manager, he holds a copy for me behind the desk.

9:15 A.M. Back to work

1:00 P.M. Lunch break with Carrie Bradshaw.

1:30 P.M. Back to work

3:00 P.M. Second coffee break with twenty-somethings from other department

3:15 P.M. Back to work

5:00 P.M. Wrap up work, Put everything back into File Cabinets and lock them, Shred any remaining documents and log off computer. Head to car.

6:00 PM. arrive home.

I finally have a routine down. The job doesn't seem as overwhelming, foreign or scary anymore. At moments it can actually be amusing as long as it's not taken too seriously.. Twirling around in my office chair and chatting with co-workers that pass by to sit on the edge of my desk. That shot of my desk was taken at 8 A.M. Most people's desks are covered with posters, calenders, photographs and knicknacks. as you can see....Mine is still pretty bare. I'll get on that...eventually.

But that's my average work day at "Initech Corporation" in a nutshell. Week 2 is coming to an end and my very first paycheck just arrived in the mail. Too bad it will take an additional 5 days to actually clear at the bank.

Day 152 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 8:26 AM |


At Sunday, May 13, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Cool shot! it's nice to see your work area!

At Monday, May 14, 2007, Blogger JulieU. 

Every job has a rhythm...glad you found yours. Don't work too hard on making your workspace 'yours'. The more stuff you have the harder it is to make a dramatic 'take this job and shove it' exit. Travel light...

At Tuesday, May 15, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

I knew you'd nail the job and all the accompanying corporate BS! Decorating does help make it seem less corporate which is why we do it. If I had a spare set of Tibetan prayer flags I'd send them to you. I figure the workspace needs all the serenity it can get. I can't take a picture of my desk because cameras aren't allowed here due to all the highly confidential crap going on. But trust me there are piles of papers everywhere!
