Our new car has started making squealing noises when we go around corners.

We took it to the shop.

I watched with wide concerned eyes while the mechanic leaned down over the open hood examining the engine carfully and muttering "mmmhmmm... mmmmmhmmm" under his breathe.

I crossed my fingers that it wouldn't be expensive or serious engine problem that we couldn't afford to fix. We just bought this car...

"It looks like it just needs a new belt", The mechanic said wiping his hands with a dirty rag and nodding.

"Um..how much is that going to cost exactly to replace?"

"About sixty dollars"


Our car is back in full health and driving smoothly once again.

Day 131 of 365 days.

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 5:39 PM |


At Monday, February 26, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

I'm glad it wasn't a serious car problem! I've been there and I know how stressful that can be!

At Tuesday, February 27, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

I was going to say "belt" when I read "squealing," so I'm glad that's what it was and that there was no fleecing going on.

At Friday, June 15, 2007, Blogger lauren 

It could get worst...good thing, it was fix before it get more complicated. Nice move. I got no car prob just bought nissan antenna mast to hold my antenna every car wash..:P
