Day 129 - Wonderwoman, originally uploaded by clarity25.

Eric and I are introducing to eachother favorite shows from our childhood.

I started by renting a boxed set of a show I remember loving when I was 3 and 4 years old.


Does anyone remember this show?

I only remember bits and pieces because I was so young. My parents would watch this show late at night and allow me to stay up to see it with them. I remember being fascinated with her bullet proof bracelets and Golden Lasso. I wanted to be wonderwoman.

I didn't realize how cheesy the show actually was until now.

But it brings back memories.

What was your favorite show from your youth?

Day 129 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 5:38 PM |


At Saturday, February 24, 2007, Blogger ~Jessie 

Ha, ha, I remember Wonder Woman vaguely, too! My personal favs as a child were Dukes of Hazard and Mork and Mindy. ;)

At Saturday, February 24, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Uhm... Jessie completely stole my favorites...*pouts* ;-)

Starsky and Hutch was cool. And then the A-Team. The Electric Company.

At Saturday, February 24, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

I used to play Wonder Woman with a friend of mine. We had beach towel capes and cardboard wrist bands. Oh yeah.

Wow everyone seems to have loved Dukes of Hazzard(they were my imaginary friends for a bit even.) Of course Electric Company and I had a brief love for Th Greatest American Hero. Saturday Night Live, because I was allowed to stay up until I fell asleep on Saturdays when I was like 5 years old. My mom made me Mr.Bill cookies to bring to kindergarten even!

Other than the Electric Company and SNL all the rest are of questionable quality!!

At Tuesday, February 27, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

Oh yeah, I loved Wonder Woman! I thought she was so beautiful and so cool. Cheesy??? A 70s action hero show was cheesy? NO! ;-)

My very favorite from when I was small was The Brady Bunch (yes, I'm old enough that I watched it in prime time - Friday nights at 8:00 p.m.). I loved Starsky & Hutch and Charlie's Angels, Love Boat and Fantasy Island.
