My co-worker Joe snapped this picture of me while I was on the phone with a client.

Joe sits across from me now and we just talk about life when I'm not taking calls or greeting people.

Joe came to San Francisco in 1968 from South Carolina to attend Art College. He never left. He described the transformation that happened to him. Acid trips in the Haight Ashbury, Seeing Janis Joplin perform at the Fillmore theater.. All the hippies in the Summer of Love. The free-wheeling Seventies and how everyone changed in the eighties.. the grunge of the nineties..

"San Francisco keeps growing and changing with each decade, but one thing remains consistent. It's a city of artists, idealists, dreamers and liberals. It's a place where you can be yourself and not fear judgment. People from all over the world come here to start over. There's an excitment in the air and a general happiness that you wont find in any other city in the world. I wouldn't live anywhere else. Ever."

It's too bad, this temporary receptionist job ends tomorrow. I would like to keep working with Joe...He's the coolest 57 year old I've ever met with a lust for life that's inspirational.

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 2:26 PM |

