Day 107 - Death by Sushi, originally uploaded by clarity25.

I was so excited about my first day off... Celine and I decided to do something we've wanted to do for a long long time (ever since our days in college together).. Something we've only talked about and dreamed about...


On Polk Street, in a little hole in the wall Japanese Joint called "Nara Sushi".. they have a cheap All-you-can-eat special Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday nights. Every time I passed by, I peered in the windows longingly..

I whispered "Some day... Some day..."

Someday was TODAY.

I honestly didn't think it was possible to overdose on Sushi. I've never been able to afford enough Sushi to feel stuffed. Everytime I went to a Sushi restuarant, I left feel hungry and wishing I could eat just a little more.

But TODAY I overdid it.

"Nara Sushi" is a smart restaurant. They add double the amount of rice because they know it will fill you up faster and make you order less. They also tell you that you HAVE to finish all your rice and everything on the plate before your next order. No doggie bags or leftovers allowed. Only order what you can eat.

At first I was in heaven! Ordering tons of sushi and eating it blissfully like a child in a candy store.

I went overboard and suddenly I was stuffed with still a lot left on my plate. I knew I couldn't leave without finishing it. I ate the rest slowly.. my stomach aching, feeling feverish, full..queasy.. The chewy raw salmon made me want to gag.. the fishy smell all around me...So much sushi.. so much rice... The room was spinning. The waitresses were watching me from across the room.

It became a sushi nightmare.

I went home and laid down in bed clutching my stomach, sweating and moaning. I was so full, it was even hard to breath. I felt so sick. I cradled the toilet bowl a few times and contemplated sticking a chopstick down my throat just to make the pain go away.

Eric couldn't stop laughing and held my hand.. "be careful what you wish for, Clarity.. you just might get it. I hope you learned a lesson today..." even though he couldn't stop teasing me...He rubbed my back and laid beside me all night long.

I did learn a lesson. A painful lesson in gluttony..

For all the other sushi-lovers out there... don't make the same mistake I did. There IS such a thing as too much sushi.

Day 107 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 2:20 PM |

