Day 109 - Opening up the blinds, originally uploaded by clarity25.

The weather is getting warmer, we can't really open the windows to let in the fresh air because we don't have screens. We're on the fourth floor and our cats have tried to jump out the window anytime we open it too wide.

So we can only crack it open a tiny bit.

But the view is beautiful. I love pulling up the blinds in the morning and taking it in. Sometimes I'll just sit there and look at the view while eating my breakfast.

Everytime I see the golden gate bridge this happy and hopeful feeling fills my chest. A warmth goes through my body.

It's a feeling of finding my home and knowing that no matter what.. there's really nowhere else in the world I'd rather be.

Day 109 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 2:21 PM |

