Day 37 - still searching..., originally uploaded by clarity25.

Yesterday we hit a bunch of dead ends in our hunt for the perfect apartment.

They were either too small or too crummy.. they were perfect inside but the part of town was too shady to walk around in comfortably..or too loud... or the view was facing a dirty brick wall... or it had dirty carpets... no garage.. etc.

One apartment even had a sign warning that the area contained substances that were known to cause cancer and heart defects. (see previous picture)

This information kind of turned us off to THAT place

Very disheartening..

but we still have more apartments to see over the next few days.

I haven't lost hope yet. It was only the first day right?

We have another apartment to see in 20 minutes.

So I have to get going now and post this later.

Day 37 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 9:46 PM |


At Wednesday, October 31, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

The first time I went to California, the very first motel we stayed at had a sign similar to that...about cancer and heart-disease-causing substances. I even took a picture of it. I was freaked out and thought oh no, are we on top of a toxic waste dump? Then I found out it was because it was in a smoking area of the motel, and California law required that sign to be in that area.

At Wednesday, October 31, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

Don't stress about that sign. It's EVERYWHERE in CA. Do a little research and find out why. I know there was one in the garage under my building - I'm sure it was because of exhaust.
