Day 34 - On the brink

We've been here in California now for 34 days..

It's begining to feel like home, but I have this anxiety in my stomach.

We're not entirely settled yet. Everything still feels so new and kind of crazy. I feel like we're on the brink of something. Like something has to give...

Sometimes I miss my old life. Our old home in New York... a steady income, reliable jobs and a place to call our OWN. Living here is so unpredictable.

Our money is running out

We're on the brink of success

or disaster.

So many changes in the past month and a half. My old life is beginning to fade away

I need the confidence inside to take that next big step and I'm scared.

And there's nothing to run back to. We've burnt all the bridges behind us. we can only move forward. We left everything we had and followed our hearts to get here...

But what if we DON'T make it?

Day 34 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 6:35 PM |


At Friday, October 26, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

I'm learning the only "not making it" in life is giving up. If you two wind up homeless living on the streets of SF, you got each other. Not that I'm trying to sound sappy, but you've already "made" it - the rest is cake.

Although, just so you know, I think if ever there were a couple of folks who could take on San Francisco and come out on top of it, its you guys.

Damnit. There I went getting all sappy. I now return to my regularly scheduled machismo.


No worries.

At Saturday, October 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

No, no... go back to your perfect-sushi-time-moment! -Acorn

At Saturday, October 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Anxiety about a big life changing move is only natural. Just believe that you guys are only on the brink of having it all finally fall into place. Keep your head in a positive place and every time you doubt yourself look around and know that only amazing things are in store for you. Sorry for sounding a bit new agey but think positive thoughts!
I have no doubt in my mind that the greatest chapter of your lives is about to start and big things will start happening. Believe in yourself and what you want and it will be yours.

I swear Im not a new age hippy, although Im sure your surrounded by them right now!!
Positive thoughts create positive results!!

At Saturday, October 27, 2007, Blogger Nightmare 

You really have no choice but to make it. I know I have made mistakes when it comes to talking to you, but I also know that you and Big E have done what so many people wish they could do. You have followed your hearts instead of settling for a crappy existence to "pay the bills". You will succeed BECAUSE you have chosen to do what you love, where you want to do it, and there is no other choice.

You WILL make it! Keep yu chin up and know that I am sorry for going where I shouldn't have.

At Saturday, October 27, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

You WILL make it. It's scary. It's hard. It's overwhelming.

But you've gotten this far. Don't give up now.

"Just keep swimming" :)

At Saturday, October 27, 2007, Blogger Wilfred 

'Hi' back! I appreciate the compliment. The photos you take are quite gorgeous, and I envy your dedication. Good luck with Frisco; I'll be browsing through the backstory when I get the chance.

At Monday, October 29, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Hi Clarity, it's only natural to have a few nervous moments when you've made such a major change, you wouldn't be human if you didn't. You'll make it, both of you, because you've got each other and because neither of you are the 'giving up' type. If you've had a problem in the past you've faced it and dealt with it and it'll be no different now you're in San Francisco. Keep you're chin up, keep smiling and believe in yourself because this place is going to be good for you adn Eric, I'm sure of it!

At Monday, October 29, 2007, Blogger Hello from Julia 

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At Monday, October 29, 2007, Blogger Hello from Julia 

Hi, thanks for your comment. Your blog is gorgeous! I will definitely return to appreciate your hard work.

Sending you good vibes from Toronto.


At Tuesday, October 30, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

Sweetie, I have total faith in you and Eric. If I could make it in SF, you can make it, because you have more talent in your little finger than I do in my entire body.

There are plenty of temp and employment agencies in SF. That's how I found my job. There might even be one that focuses on art jobs. I can ask my friend Tommy. He works the SF College of Art (or whatever it's called) and he's an artist, too. He might have some insight. Let me know where to reach me. *hugs*
