Day 36 - hitting the road, originally uploaded by clarity25.

Finding a good apartment in San Francisco is more challenging than I ever imagined.

First I tried San Francisco Chronicle,, all those websites. They really have nothing to offer.

Craigslist is the place to go.

There are hundreds of listing and they increase in number everytime you refresh the webpage. But it feels like a RACE AGAINST TIME...

I found a great apartment and I excitedly wrote down the number and info on a piece of paper.

I walked away from the laptop to take a shower. When I returned and called the number, I was told: "I'm sorry, Miss, THAT APARTMENT WAS RENTED OUT 5 MINUTES AGO..." I hung up and sighed.

I realized I was going to have to be on the top of my game. Refresh Craigslist every half an hour and keep my eyes peeled.

TODAY it's Time to hit the road and go apartment hunting..

We have four to see today.

We'll be running all over San Francisco

They all sound promising. I'm hoping we get lucky!

We have until November 1st to find the dream apartment, otherwise the lease will have to be extended by an extra month.

Day 36 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 9:46 PM |


At Wednesday, October 31, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

I remember when I went apt. hunting (because my rent had gone up astronomically) and the crap they were showing me. One apt. was literally the size of a postage stamp. And in a crappy neighborhood. I was so depressed. I finally talked to the powers that be at my building and they figured out that they forgot to include the fact that I was poor into the mix. My rent only went up $25 or something like that.
