Day 205 - Checking in, originally uploaded by clarity25.

Just checking in to let you know that I'm still alive:)

Sorry for pulling a disappearing act over the past few weeks. We cancelled our cable and Internet service on August 1st. We are trying to live as cheaply as possible this last month in New York so we can put everything in our savings account for our move.

I thought I could access Flickr at work but this website is RESTRICTED. I'm typing this from a friend's computer. It really sucks not having the internet.

The past few weeks have been hectic, stressful and a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. We had a falling out with our friend in San Francisco and there was some drama. But it was all resolved, everything is fine again and we're back on track.

So...We're still moving to San Francisco and I'm in the process of packing.

We are leaving in TWO WEEKS!

On September 10th we're packing up our Toyota Corolla and hitting the road for a six day cross country road trip. I'll be taking my laptop with me and updating from the different hotels along the way. (Most Hotels offer free wireless internet now-a-days) I'm really excited.

Right now is a crazy time. It's hard trying to balance working full time, packing, planning, figuring out our finances.. It's a struggle and at moments it all seems so scary. It's such a big move...there is still so much left to do!

I'm dropping in to say "hi", I will be back to updating regularly soon. I'll try to put in a few more updates before the move whenever I'm somewhere that offers internet access. But in 2 weeks, I will return to the daily 365 days project and pick up where I left off, starting the next chapter of my life in California.

I really miss you guys, Hope you're having a great week!

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 12:21 PM | 3 comments