Day 189 - Life goes on, originally uploaded by clarity25.


I returned to work after my short leave of absense. I stepped into the elevator and joined the laughing group of men in business suits chatting about work. Everyone seemed to be in a great mood and I forced myself to smile politely.

My friend, Carrie Bradshaw approached me when I sat down wearily at my desk.

"So you're finally back from your little mini-break, huh? Lucky you! You didn't tell me you were taking time off. Did you have a good time? Where have you been? What did you do?", she asked

I paused. I contemplated telling her what my family is going through and the sadness we're experiencing. The tears, the struggles... But I didn't because the whole department would know by the end of the day. (SEE HERE) I didn't want to be the subject of gossip even if it's well meaning. Some things are just too personal.

"I spent time with my family", I said "That's all, really....nothing special."

I averted my eyes and changed the subject.

After she left, I started up my computer.. gazed at the massive pile of folders resting in the IN BOX and sighed..

Life goes on.

Day 189 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 10:49 AM |


At Sunday, July 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Life does indeed go on and it will get easier. Every struggle makes you stronger and your family will overcome this! Hang strong!
