Day 187 - Sadness, originally uploaded by clarity25.

When I woke up this morning, I didn't want to get out of bed. It was just a heavy feeling of sadness that pushed my body deeper into the sheets. It all felt pointless all of a sudden.

What's the use in fighting? I should have known it would have ended up this way. No one ever said life was "Fair"? Why do we keep believing that it could be?

I rolled over in the bed, hugged my pillow and just drifted back into sleep.

Day 187 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 4:15 AM |


At Monday, June 25, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

You need to be strong for your family. What's happened is an unjust completely ridiculous thing BUT there's not much you can do now(unless you want to and then I'm sure there's action to be taken.)
8 months isn't that long in the big lake of life. After wards your brother will be free and everyone can work towards putting these events behind them.
It's not life that's being unfair it's that crotchity old judge, who obviously should not be allowed to sit on the bench anymore.
(Although life does keep throwing curve balls at us all! because well it's life.)
