Day 160 - Going under, originally uploaded by clarity25.

Eric and I had a fight last night

We almost NEVER fight, I can't even remember the last time we did.....We were both so tired, stressed, drained and wiped out.

It's been less than a year since we moved to New York from Europe.


1. We both work in jobs outside of our chosen field. We have opposite work schedules and work in buildings that are 45 minutes away from eachother.

2. We live in a home that is HALF the size of our previous flat, Yet we pay DOUBLE the price for rent.

3. We wonder how we got into this mess and how we are going to get out.

As much as we try to look on the bright side and have that Sonny & Cher "I've got you babe" mentality. It sometimes overwhelms us both to see how much things have changed in our life in such a short time.

How do we get back? I know we'll find a way...

We made up, we cried, we hugged and we're okay. But this situation has to change. I just don't see a way out except working non-stop to afford our move and holding strong until we reach our goal.

At least it's Friday. this marks the end of week 3 at Innitech Corporation.

Day 160 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 9:24 AM |


At Sunday, May 20, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Just know that it's not either of you, it's the stress that has caused the fight.
Maybe write out your goals and keep them on the fridge as a reminder of what your doing this crap for. Maybe just a picture of Germany.
Find something you can do together to destress. Evening walks, yoga, running etc.

Every time I write these little tips I think "man I've worked for the "man" for a long time!"

Take care babe.

At Monday, May 21, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

It's only natural to fight, even if it does suck. And you made up and didn't go to bed angry (I'm betting), so you're ahead of the game.

Brandy's right - it's not you or him, it's the situation and all the stress you're under. I prayed for you both yesterday (and myself). ;-)

At Monday, May 21, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Hang in there hon..thinking of you!!
