Day 157 - Shhhh..., originally uploaded by clarity25.

Office Gossip..

It comes from all directions. First it's just overheard. Then someone beckons for you and whispers a fascinating shocking morsel directly into your ear... That's how it starts. Everyone seems to know everything about everyone else's business.

But I step away afterwards and I can't help but wonder: What are they whispering about ME behind MY back? It's a scary thought to contemplate.

Note to self: Don't spread office gossip no matter how comfortable you get at this job.

Day 157 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 8:18 PM |


At Tuesday, May 15, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Welcome to the world of Office Gossip. Brutal, isn't it? My Motto is not to say anything to anyone else that I wouldn't say directly to that person's face. Stick with that Motto and it will save you a lot of pain. Trust me. I KNOW. I've been burnt both ways.

At Tuesday, May 15, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

You have pretty lips.

I hate petty hurtful gossip too. there is a lot at my work right now and it is causing problems.

P.S. That's a cool necklace!

At Wednesday, May 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Always glad to hear from you, dear C! Hope things are better! I send both you and Eric much love and big star hugs! Lots of positive vibes and well wishes, too!

At Wednesday, May 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

I always just listen, never say anything and just forget about it as I walk away.
Unless it's positive gossip, then there is no need for it.

Since your a nice person you are probably safe from gossip, seriously what can they say?
"Oh that new girl is just too nice, she must really be a bitch."

At Wednesday, May 16, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

At my office we just bitch about the nano-manager. Nothing like a complete asshole to bring the department together.

Hmmm, someone thinks you have a cool necklace. ;-) You have no idea how much I enjoy seeing you wear it.

At Thursday, May 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

After a little while you will work out the 'office target'. THis is the person that everyone in the office loathes and the one who is bitched about the most, every office has got one. When I got promoted I was cheif target for about a month but soon it reverted back to the usual woman. If you accidentally become the one getting talked about then don't worry, it'll pass as soon as something more interesting comes along, that's the nature of office gossip.
