Day 159 - No Doz, originally uploaded by clarity25.

My workload has increased and now most days I'm forced to work overtime just to get everything done.

I realized the only way I could get through the day is popping a No-Doz pill in the early afternoon. Otherwise I'm almost falling asleep at my desk and passing out the minute I return home.

Now I have more energy, but It's a temporary solution..

I've been having nightmares where I pull work files out from under my bed. I panic because they need to get finished.

I wonder if I'm the only person that has nightmares about work. Is that even normal?

This job is really taking a toll on me.

Day 159 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 9:23 AM |


At Sunday, May 20, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Well I hope they are paying you overtime!
The mid afternoon slump is just aweful. Instead of NoDoz though may I suggest a protein bar, some fruit, it's much better to get your engery from a good sorce than what is basically over the counter speed. Exercising regularly will give you more energy...honest.

At Monday, May 21, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

I have had many nightmares about work. Completely normal, especially when you're stressed about it. I also have trouble sleeping on Sunday nights which I blame on my subconscious gearing up for work twelve hours early.

Again, I'm agreeing with Brandy. Perhaps on your lunch hour (half hour?) after you eat you could go for a quick little walk around the block of something.
