Day 126 - Sugar High!, originally uploaded by clarity25.

It's the day after Valentines Day.

Since we were trapped in the house due to a icestorm yesterday (see yesterday's picture), Eric decided to celebrate the holiday today by bringing home and truckload of 50% and 70% off Valentines day candy for me.

He went a little overboard.

I was thrilled! I felt like a child that robbed the icecream man! In addition to Olives, Sushi and coffee.. I'm a big candy addict. He bought all my favorites. Gobstoppers, Laffy Taffy, Nerds, Runts, Fun Dip, Sweet tarts, Jaw breakers, Russel Stover chocolates, and Gum Balls galore.

"We should always celebrate a day later, it's much cheaper that way...", He commented with a laugh.

I thought becoming an adult would curb my fascination with candy...

It didn't.

I'm in HEAVEN!!

Any other Candy lovers out there? Is there a certain type of candy that you can't resist if it's offered to you?

Eric watched me with amusement. I offered him a piece and he scrunched up his face. "mphm..thanks but no thanks. That's all you"

Than I gave him my Valentines Day present for HIM...

It's too private to elaborate on... but He loved it:)

It's official. Valentines Day will be celebrated on the 15th from this point forward.

Day 126 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 1:39 PM |


At Saturday, February 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

I think a more appropriate question for me would be "is there any type of candy I would refuse if offered!"
Right now I have a fridge full of Japanese KitKats and other chocolate wonders, bags of skittles, jelly beans, wine gums, jujubes, licorice etc. It's funny because everything else in our fridge is basically uber healthy, vitamins, omega oils, flax bread etc.
We also have these really good olives that are so buttery that we got from the olive bar.

At Monday, February 19, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

I love Laffy Taffy, too!

At Sunday, March 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

It seems you have so much to do every day! How do you have time for sims and other computer stuff?

At Monday, March 05, 2007, Blogger Clarity: 365 days 

Well, the sims stuff is kind of a joint project with my sister. We both control the blog. You'll notice there aren't many posts on them. :) Lately my internet hasn't been working very well so it's a fun break from the daily grind to unwind.
