Day 119 - first kiss, originally uploaded by clarity25.

Tonight Eric and I were talking about our first kisses.

"Mine was in Second grade", I told him

"What?! You little hussy!"

"No it wasn't like that. It was just a peck. He lived 3 houses down and we did it in the backyard when our parents weren't looking. I had my eyes closed so tightly. Then he ran away and didn't talk to me for a week."

"So it didn't go well?"

"Not exactly...But we "went steady" until 6th grade. My first REAL kiss was at age 15"

"same here"

I remember the anticipation of a first kiss. Talking about it with friends, reading articles about it out loud from our Sassy magazines during sleepover parties, Speculating who would be the first to try "French Kissing" and voicing our concerns over what to do if the guy drools or has bad breath...

I remember those awkward moments after a first date in the early teen years. When you're kind of shifting from foot to foot, avoiding eachother's eyes and saying "So-o-o-o.. I had fun" "Yeah me too..." "we should do it again..." "Definitely" Leaning towards the person while he leans towards you, then losing nerve and backing up..then leaning towards him...Then both laughing from nervous anticipation.

It feels like so long ago.

When was your first kiss?

Day 119 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 11:21 AM |


At Thursday, February 08, 2007, Blogger Nightmare 

5th grade, behind the gym, her name was lori, and we did the kissing thing for years and never "went together"...yes we were both hussys.

At Thursday, February 08, 2007, Blogger MamaKBear you, my first kiss was in 2nd grade. But my first REAL kiss wasn't until 7th.

Sassy magazine!! That was my favorite magazine for YEARS. I don't think it's around anymore. One of the writers went on to start "Jane" magazine though.


At Friday, February 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

I was 15 when I had my first was at a video arcade, behind one of the was strange and very wet...

At Friday, February 09, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

I'm so not a hussy, kind of sad. I was 17. It was in the parking lot after a dance (I think, it was a VERY long time ago) and I had a huge crush on the guy, even though he was *gasp* a year younger than me. He had the most incredible blue eyes. I wonder what he's doing.

At Friday, February 09, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Well if it makes you feel better Im even more of a hussy as my first kiss was grade one! I was Colin Smith's girlfriend, he was the best moonwalker AND had all the Return of the Jedi toys INCLUDING the Jabba and Princess Leia ones. After our first kiss we kissed every day after school for the rest of the year. I almost missed my bus once and had to run to the corner and wave it down, in a brown snowsuit at that! He changed schools the next year and I dated his bestfriend Jeff Boggs who I "dumped" by writing on a popsicle stick "I don't like you anymore". Yeah.

First real(ie french) kiss was from a boy across the streets friend who had the unfortunate last name of Loveless. He was very christian but he almost had his license. It was the summer before grade 9 so I was 14 and he was 16.
It was pretty uneventful and unmemorable.

I LOVED Sassy..I remember picking up the first issue and there were "alternative" girls in it and I was like "whoa others dress like me?!!?" it was my teenage bible, I wish I still had copies!
