Now that my health is back to 100%, I'm busy at the art table again working on some portrait jobs.
I'm in the middle of drawing a charcoal portrait of a cute young couple..
The previous owner of the car we purchased still hasn't received her new title in the mail to give to us. This waiting is driving me crazy. We bought this new car last month and it's still not on the road. This whole process is taking forever and a day. It's hard to get to the post office to send out my completed portrait jobs to clients without transportation. It's a 2 and a half mile walk in the bitter cold which I've been putting off. It's impossible to get a ride when all my friends are at work during post office opening hours. Very frustrating. Eric has been carpooling with co-workers to get to work.
Having a car on the road again will make life much easier.
But in the meantime, I'm working
and trapped in the house.
*fingers crossed that this title arrives soon*
Day 114 of 365 days