Day 111 - Grocery shopping, originally uploaded by clarity25.

I'm still feeling under the weather and not particularly inspired today

It's going to be another "Sock drawer" day. So here's a picture of me in the Super Market Grocery shopping. The seventies elevator music playing on the overhead speakers.. the long endless aisles of food... the tired cashiers asking "Do you have a discount membership card? *sigh* Would you LIKE a discount membership card? *sigh* Do you have ID for this bottle of wine?"

Another activity I do on a regular basis that is rarely captured on film because.... it's so boring.

But I included notes. (you have to click on the image to reach the Flickr page to see them)

I'll post a more interesting self-portrait when I'm feeling better. For now, this will have to do.

Day 111 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 5:24 PM |


At Saturday, February 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

I wish I still got id'd for wine!:)

At Sunday, February 04, 2007, Blogger Nightmare 

I bet that if you look in the "relax renew, revive" section of that super market you will see some of my companies work. Look up at the soffits, and the lighted shelves in the cosmetic sections and all of the cool color coordinated aisle flags...yeah we make all of that stuff...just so you know...

At Wednesday, February 07, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

Like Emily, I wish I still got ID'd when buying alcoholic beverages. *sigh*

I so need to get to the grocery store.
