Day 118 - Blending in, originally uploaded by clarity25.

I always thought I was a Generation X'er, but I don't make the cut off date.

Eric does.

I'm just a part of that unknown Generation that comes after. Do we even have a name yet?


If 100 people your age were chosen at random, how many do you think you'd find leading a more satisfying life than yours?

Day 118 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 9:16 AM |


At Wednesday, February 07, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

I feel your pain. I'm at the very tail-end of the Baby Boomers, but I do NOT consider myself a Baby Boomer, definitely more of a Gen-Xer.

At Wednesday, February 07, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

What's the cut off? I know Im older than you but younger than Eric.
Yeah that totally means your like the first year of Gen.Y. who the hell makes up these names!!

I'd say about 45 out of 100 if they were random strangers.
But 2 out of 100 if they were all from my hometown.
(crossing my fingers that it lets me comment cos it wouldn't yesterday! boo.)

At Wednesday, February 07, 2007, Blogger candoor 

catching up and enjoying your world... while part of me (the cynical part) thinks most people are a lot less satisfied than I am, I really don't know the answer... I only know I am satisfied much more often than not...

At Thursday, February 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

I'm pretty satisfied with my life but I think it really depends on how you define success. I have kids but no career and I'm satisfied. But my best friend has a career and no kids and she's satisfied so. I have no idea.

At Thursday, February 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

gah. that last one was me.

At Thursday, February 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

We're Generation Y.

At Thursday, February 08, 2007, Blogger Nightmare 

ZERO! ZERO people lead a more satisfying life than mine.

At Friday, February 09, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

I missed the final question.

Wow, I have no clue on numbers, but I think that I'm probably more satisfied than most people my age because it seems this age or maybe a bit before is a common age for divorce. Although these days work is definitely adding to the unsatisfying portion of my life.

At Thursday, March 01, 2007, Blogger Shelby Kate 

according to wikipedia 1974-1985 is the MTV generation, 77-86 includeds the boomerang and 70s through 90s is all generation y. so i guess we're whatever one we wanna be. 80s and 90scan also be internet. i think i'll pick that one.
