Still sick

Scanning the DVD shelf for old boxsets to watch while I lay on the sofa drinking Tea.

We ended up renting a random show called "How I met your mother"

It's Monday, Eric's day off. We lounged together watching most of Season 1 together. At first I didn't like it. (I can't stand laugh tracks) but it grew on me. We ended up cracking up together at the "pineapple episode". It reminded me of the show "Friends"

I'm looking for a new boxset to watch, I missed a lot of American shows while I was in Germany.

Besides the obvious ones (Desperate housewives and Greys Anatomy - saw those a few months ago during another sick week) any suggestions?

Day 110 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 5:21 PM |


At Thursday, February 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Get the first season of "Weeds". It's a Showtime series - you'll love it.

At Friday, February 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Agree with Trix (of course) :). But also, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is really good. And there are like 7 seasons, so you can definitely get your fix...Weeds is incredible but it's just OVER too fast. (If the second season is out, that was awesome too...a friend had it on her "cable on demand" thing.)

At Friday, February 02, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER!!!!! It's only the best show ever. ;)

At Saturday, February 03, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

"The Office" - the second season was better than the first. I hear it's an acquired taste though. So maybe you wouldn't like it, I don't know. It's my favorite comedy show ever.

At Sunday, February 04, 2007, Blogger MamaKBear 

Hmmm...don't know if you'll see this comment since it's on an older post...but I see you have Season 4 of "Friends"! gotta get all the rest of them, and have yourself a Friends marathon, starting at the very first episode!

At Wednesday, February 07, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

Nice boxsets. I'm going to recommend something that will make you think " this really Kathleen?" Firefly. There's only one season and if you need I'll just mail it to you as part of Katflix. A friend gave it to me for my b-day and I was wondering what his thought processes were as I'm not really a sci-fi person, but I LOVED IT! In fact, I've watched the whole thing twice already.
