I think this picture symbolizes how I was feeling earlier today. Very off center..
But now I'm back on track. I'm terrible at decision making, but once I make one. I feel relief afterwards. Sometimes it's just a matter of getting the right perspective.
Today was also a special day because it marked the FIRST DAY of Eric's job schedule shift. No more waking up at 2:30 A.M. He now works from 8 to 5.it's great to get up and see sunlight for a change. I had natural light at the art table.
That's a shot of my art table in the left hand side of the livingroom. My coffee and sketchbook. It's a good workspace. I snapped this random off center pic during my coffee break.
And Eric will be home in 45 minutes.
Random question of the day:
If you could invite three famous people (actors, politicians, musicians, historical figures) to your house for dinner (living or dead) Which three would you choose? Who would you really like to meet?
Day 104 of 365 days