Day 57 - We almost lost Michael, originally uploaded by clarity25.

We almost lost Michael today.

We live on the top floor of a 5 story building. Our bedroom windows are big and don't have any screens.

We usually keep them closed, but last night we were so hot, that we opened one of the windows. We meant to close it before falling asleep, but we passed out from exhaustion.

We woke up to our roommate Celine saying in a strained voice. "Pssst! Wake up! Michael is out the window!!"

I blinked open my eyes in confusion, I gazed around and then I saw what she was referring to.

Michael was hanging out of the window. Half of his body inside, his paws clutched the window sill. His bottom part hanging out.

One wrong move and he would lose balance. He would fall down 5 stories to his death.

I was afraid to breathe. I knew that If I moved towards him too quickly it would startle him. He was tottering back and forth. Half in.. half out..He was slipping. Any fast movement would send him over the edge.

Eric very slowly approached him. then he stuck his hand out the window.. gripped michael's back end and eased him back inside. Michael regained balance and was safe. (albeit a bit shaken up and trembling)

We quickly shut the window.

we never thought that would happen. It was a frightening moment. What possessed him to try to jump out the window in the first place?

We almost lost Michael.

The entire day I was filled with relief.

Has anyone else had a moment where their pet came close to tragedy? narrowly missing being hit by a car or some other potential catastrophe?

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 12:52 PM |


At Monday, December 10, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

We were out walking one day with my dog by the river, which was close to bursting its banks due to huge amounts of rain. The dog, who has a water obsession, slipped his collar and launched himself in. Immediately he started drifting off downstream and he couldn't get out so I had to run downstream to a place I cold get in and then haul him out as he sailed past. Stupid dog! Animals do the daftest things sometimes.

At Monday, December 10, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

Yes, I almost lost Tikal in the exact same situation as Michael. Stupid San Francisco windows with no screens. Get your butts to the local hardware store, they sell screens you can put in (they slide to fit).

I don't know why I hadn't put the screen in that day, but I came out of the bathroom to the piteous sound of Tikal meowing frantically. He had walked out onto the two inch ledge and couldn't get back. The window opened on two sides, but I can't remember if I opened the other one and he walked to that one or if I leaned out and grabbed him to come back in the way he went. Total heart attack.
