Yesterday John, Celine, Eric and I went apartment hunting again...

We found a dream apartment! One that all four of us agree on and it's affordable too! (It's the SAME PRICE RENT as John's current apartment but DOUBLE the size) Another RARE find in San Francisco. (click back HERE for picture and story)

Applications were filled, questions answered and she is running the credit report. She said she would call us today and now we're just waiting..

and hoping..

Our current apartment way too small for four people. There's very little space, Eric and I have converted the Observatory/office into a bedroom.. it's a beautiful room with windows on all sides but the doors that separate it from the livingroom are chinese doors with see-thru glass panes. (which means no real privacy) We can barely walk around without bumping into eachother. All four of us are practically on eachother's laps.

we need breathing space..

I really hopes this goes through.

I *really* hope we get this apartment.

Fingers crossed..


This is nervewracking...

Just wanted to share the newest development. I'll keep you posted.

Day 50 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 11:41 AM |

