
If this picture looks familiar it's because it's from one year ago. It was taken during a crossroad in our life. A period of transition.

A year ago we were in Germany struggling to get Eric's Greencard and go to America. It was a difficult transition. Leaving our job as artists in a German Multi-media company, saying goodbye to Eric's family and all of our friends. Friends I had grown to dearly love during my four years in Germany.

We made it to New York and Now we're faced with another struggle.

...getting out of New York....

Life is funny like that. The grass is always greener on the other side...

The lease on our current apartment expires in 3 MONTHS.

it's time to form a new plan of action....

We have one.

like every change, this is also scary, new and overwhelming.

But it's also exciting. I'm biting my nails again... Eric is looking off into the horizon .

This week we made an important decision. There has been a new development and we're setting sail on a new course.

This was a hectic week for me so I didn't have much time to take pictures for 365 days. But I just uploaded the self portraits for Monday and Wednesday. You can click back to view them.

Have a good weekend:)

Day 191 of 365 days

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 10:54 AM |


At Sunday, July 01, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous 

Every change in life is a new beginning and whatever you both have planned, I know you will succeed. Best of luck to you both!
