Day 122 - On the road!, originally uploaded by clarity25.

Okay, It's official!! Our car is on the road!

The title arrived, we went to the DMV and got the plates.

We also bought some new tires.

All we have left is the inspection, we have to set up an appointment within the next 10 days.

We have wheels!! Tonight we're going to celebrate!

It's about time!

Day 122 of 365 days

That's Eric at the wheel and me adjusting the radio station...

posted by Clarity: 365 days at 3:23 PM |


At Tuesday, February 13, 2007, Blogger Kathleen 

When I was in Mexico a million years ago (1983 or 84) whenever we would go somewhere in the, I was co-piloto and basically I was in charge of the radio. So, you're the co-piloto in this picture.

Congrats on the car! I know how frustrating it is to be w/o wheels!

At Tuesday, February 13, 2007, Blogger Lisa K 

Woohoo! New wheels means cause for a celebration!! :)
